Page:Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (1904 reprint).djvu/54

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The Garden of pleafant Flowers.

Chap. IV.

1. Martagon Pomponeum ſiue Lilium rubrum præccox, vel Lilium Macedonicum.

The early red Martagon, or Martagon Pompony.

AS in the former Chapter we deſcribed vnto you ſuch Lillies, whoſe flowers being pendulous, turne their leaues backe againe, and haue their greene leaues, ſet by ſpaces about the ſtalke: ſo in this wee will ſet downe thoſe ſorts, which carry their greene leaues more ſparſedly, and all along the ſtalke, their flowers hanging downe, and turning vp againe as the former, and begin with that which is of greateſt beauty, or at leaſt of moſt rarity.

1. Martagon Pomponeum angusti folium praecox. 1. This rare Martagon hath a ſcaly root cloſely compact, with broader and thinner ſcales than others, in time growing very great, and of a more deepe yellow colour then the former, from whence doth ſpring vp a round greene ſtalke in ſome plants, and flat in others, two or three foote high, bearing a number of ſmall, long, and narrow greene leaues, very like vnto the leaues of Pinkes, but greener, ſet very thicke together, and without order about the ſtalke, vp almoſt vnto the toppe, and leſſer by degrees vpwards, where ſtand many flowers, according to the age of the plant, and thriuing in the place where it groweth; in thoſe that are young, but a few, and more ſparſedly, and in others that are old many more, and thicker ſet: for I haue reckoned threeſcore flowers and more, growing thicke together on one plant with mee, and an hundred flowers on another: theſe flowers are of a pale or yellowiſh red colour, and not ſo deep red as the red Martagon of Conſtantinople, hereafter ſet down, nor fully ſo large: yet of the ſame faſhion, that is, euery flower hanging downe, and turning vp his leaues againe. It is not ſo plentifull in bearing of ſeede as the other Lillies, but when it doth, it differeth not but in being leſſe.

2. Martagon angusti folium magis ſerotinum. There is another, whoſe greene leaues are not ſo thicke ſet on the ſtalke, but elſe differeth not but in flowring a fortnight later.

3. Martagon Pomponeum latifolium praecox. There is another alſo of this kind, ſo like vnto the former in root, ſtalk, flower, & maner of growing, that the difference is hardly diſcerned; but conſiſteth chiefly in theſe two points: Firſt, that the leaues of this are a little broader and ſhorter then the former; and ſecondly, that it beareth his flowers a fortnight earlier than the firſt. In the colour or forme of the flower, there can no difference bee diſcerned, nor (as I ſaid) in any other thing. All theſe Lillies doe ſpring very late out of the ground, euen as the yellow Martagons doe, but are ſooner in flower then any others.

4. Martagon flore phaeniceo. A fourth kinde hereof hath of late been knowne to vs, whoſe leaues are broader and ſhorter than the laſt, and the flowers of a paler red, tending to yellow, of ſome called a golden red colour: but flowreth not ſo early as they.

2. Lilium rubrum Byzantinum, ſiue Martagon Conſtantinopolitanum.

The red Martagon of Conſtantinople.

1. The red Martagon of Conſtantinople is become ſo common euery where, and ſo well knowne to all louers of theſe delights, that I ſhall ſeeme vnto them to loſe time, to beſtow many lines vpon it; yet becauſe it is ſo faire a flower, and was at the firſt ſo highly eſteemed, it deſerueth his place and commendations, howſoeuer encreaſing the plenty hath not made it dainty. It riſeth out of the ground early in the ſpring, before many other Lillies, from a great thicke yellow ſcaly root, bearing a round browniſh ſtalke, beſet with many faire greene leaues confuſedly thereon, but not ſo broad as the common white Lilly, vpon the toppe whereof ſtand one, two, or three, or more flowers, vpon long footeſtalkes, which hang downe their heads, and turne vp their leaues againe, of an excellent red crimſon colour, and ſometimes paler, hauing a long pointell in the middle, compaſſed with ſixe whitiſh chiues, tipt with looſe yellow pendents, of a reaſonable good ſent, but ſomewhat faint. It likewiſe beareth ſeede in heads, like vnto the other, but greater.

2. Martagon