Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900.djvu/46

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For of my pane thow maid it play;
  And all in vane I spend:
As thow hes done, sa sall I say,
  "Murne on, I think to mend."'

'Makyne, the howp of all my heill,
  My hairt on thee is sett;
And evirmair to thee be leill
  Quhill I may leif but lett;
Never to faill as utheris feill,
  Quhat grace that evir I gett.'
'Robin, with thee I will nocht deill;
  Adieu! for thus we mett.'

Makyne went hame blyth anneuche
  Attour the holttis hair;
Robin murnit, and Makyne leuche;
  Scho sang, he sichit sair:
And so left him baith wo and wreuch,
  In dolour and in cair,
Kepand his hird under a huche
  Amangis the holttis hair.

16. howp] hope. but lett] without hindrance. anneuche] enough. holttis hair] grey woodlands. leuche] laughed. wreuch] peevish. huche] heuch, cliff. 17. The Bludy Serk

This hinder yeir I hard be tald
  Thair was a worthy King;
Dukis, Erlis, and Barronis bald,
  He had at his bidding.

17. hinder yeir] last year.