Page:Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, vol 2.djvu/36

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The Olive-sided Flycatcher, Muscicapa Cooperi, 422
Nuttall's Short-Billed Marsh Wren, Troglodytes brevirostris, 427
A Moose Hunt, 431
The Spotted or Canada Grous, Tetrao canadensis, 437
White-headed Pigeon, Columba leucocephala, 443
The Orange-crowned Warbler, Sylvia celata, 449
The Wood Wren, Troglodytes americana, 452
The Pine Finch, Fringilla pinus, 455
Journey in New Brunswick and Maine, 459
The Golden Eagle, Falco chrysaëtos, 464
The Ground Dove, Columba passerina, 471
American Golden-crested Wren, Regulus tricolor, 476
The Mango Humming Bird, Trochilus Mango, 480
Bachman's Warbler, Sylvia Bachmanii, 483
The Bay of Fundy, 485
The Pinnated Grous, Tetrao Cupido, 490
The Boat-tailed Grakle or Great Crow Blackbird, Quiscalus major, 504
The Tree Sparrow, Fringilla canadensis, 511
The Snow Bunting, Emberiza nivalis, 515
The Yellow-bellied Woodpecker, Picus varius, 519
Cod-fishing, 522
The Willow Grous, Tetrao Saliceti, 528
The Great Cinereous Shrike, Lanius Excubitor, 534
Lincoln's Finch, Fringilla Lincolnii, 539
The Hudson's Bay Titmouse, Parus hudsonicus, 543
The Ruby-crowned Regulus, Regulus Calendula, 546
The Merchant of Savannah, 549
The Iceland or Jer Falcon, Falco islandicus, 552
The Common Crossbill, Loxia curvirostra, 559
Swainson's Warbler, Sylvia Swainsonii, 563
The Little or Acadian Owl, Strix acadica, 567
The Shore Lark, Alauda alpestris, 570
Kentucky Barbicue on the Fourth of July, 576