Page:Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, vol 2.djvu/326

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and builds a pensile nest. You will see its figure in my fourth volume of Illustrations, when I hope to be able to give you a good account of its habits.

ViREO OLivACEUs, Ch. Bonaparte, Synops. of Birds of the United States, p. 71-

Red-eyed Flycatcher, Muscicapa olivacea, Wih. Amer. Ornith. vol. ii. p. 55. pL 12, fig. 3 Nuttall, Manual, p. 312.

Adult Male. Plate CL.

Bill of moderate length, strong, depressed at the base, compressed to- wards the end, somewhat ascending. Upper mandible with the dorsal line slightly convex, the sides convex, the edges sharp and notched to- wards the end, the tip acute and suddenly deflected; lower mandible with the dorsal line also slightly convex, the back rounded, the edges sharp and inflected, the tip acute. Nostrils basal, lateral, oblong. Head rather large, neck short, body rather robust. Feet of ordinary length ; tarsus compressed, anteriorly scutellate, sharp behind ; toes slender, free ; claws arched, compressed, acute.

Plumage soft and blended. Wings rather long, the second and third primaries longest ; tail of ordinary length, slightly emarginate. Bristles at the base of the bill short.

Bill brown above^ pale bluish-grey beneath. Iris red. Feet bluish- grey. The general colour of the plumage above is light yellowish-olive, the crown of the head deep-grey, bordered on each side by a line of blackish^ below which is a line of greyish-white passing from the nostril over the eye. Quills dusky, olivaceous on the outer margin, white on the inner. Tail wood-brown. The lower parts are white, the breast and sides tinged with pale yellow.

Length 5 inches, extent of wings 9 ; bill along the back nearly ^, along the edge j*^ ; tarsus^^.

The Female resembles the Male, but is of a duller white beneath.


Gleditschia triacanthos, Willd. Sp. PI. vol. iv. p. T.^Pursh. Fl. Amer. Sept. voL i. p. 221 — PoLYGAMiA DifficiA, Linn. LEGUMiNOSiE, Jms.

See Vol. I. p. 226.