Page:Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, vol 2.djvu/246

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Length 4| inches, extent of wings 7f ; bill along the ridge /j, along the edge ^; tarsus ^|.

The Female resembles the male in colouring, but the bright orange of the head and breast is replaced by yellow.

Phlox macclata, Wild. Sp. PI. vol. i. p. 840. Pursh, Flor. Amer. Sept. vol. i. p. 149. — Pentandria Monogynia, Linn. Polemonia, Jms.

Erect ; the stem rough, with purplish dots; the leaves oblongo-lanceolate, smooth, with the margin rough ; the flowers in an oblong crowded panicle, of a purplish-red tint, the segments of the corolla rounded; the calycine teeth acute and recurved. It grows abundantly in wet meadows, from New England to CaroUna. The flowers, although pleasing to the eye, have no scent.