Page:Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, vol 2.djvu/189

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Plumage soft and blended ; wings of ordinary length, the second, third, and fourth quills longest. Tail short, even, of twelve rounded feathers.

Bill brownish-black above, and on the tips of ihe lower mandible, the base of which is light greyish-blue. Iris hazel. Feet dusky brown. The general colour of the plumage above is dull leaden grey ; the two middle tail-feathers of the same tint ; the rest black, the margin of the outer- most and the ends of it, and of the three next on each side, white, the tips grey. Upper part of the head and hind-neck light reddish-brown, with a white spot on the hind-neck. The under parts in general are dull white.

Length 4 inches, extent of wings 8 ; bill along the back -^^, along the edge -^^ ; tarsus y.

Adult Female. Plate CXXV. Fig. 2.

The female has the tints paler, but in other respects resembles the male.