Page:Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey.djvu/410

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Bray, infant, 1516. (M. & B.) The figure of Sir John D'Abernon, about A.D. 1275, is the earliest known example of English brasses. The other commemorates his son, also Sir John D'Abernon, 1327. (Monum. Brasses, 27,41.) The church of Stoke D'Abernon is noticed by Mr. Bloxam as containing vestiges of Anglo-Saxon work. (Goth. Archit. 79.)

94. Streatham.—The church here is styled "capella" in (D. B.). On an altar-tomb a mutilated effigy of a knight in armour, supposed to be of the fourteenth century. (M. & B.)

95. Sutton.—One of the two Domesday churches most probably occupied the site of the existing parish church of Sutton, but I am totally unable to assign the locality of the other, unless it was Morden. (D. B.) describes churches in all the parishes immediately surrounding Sutton, with the exception of Morden. The historians of Surrey, (M. & B.), say there are "no traces of any other than the present" church at Sutton; wherefore we may seek the second in a neighbouring parish. In K. Alfred's will a "Suttune" occurs in connection with other places in both Hants and Surrey, so it is uncertain in which county it might be situated. (Asser's Alfred, by Wise, 77.)

96. Tandridge.—A priory was founded here in the reign of K. Richard I, which was originally a hospital for three priests and several poor brethren, though in later times it was more generally accounted a priory of Austin Canons. The buildings are totally demolished, but on a farm upon the site paving tiles are frequently discovered. (Monast. VI, 603.) The priory is noticed in (Val. Eccl). Compare the following Note.

97. Tellingdone.—This name is evidently to be recognised in Tellingdon, a farm in the parish of Tandridge; and the Domesday church is likely to have been where now stands the parish church of Tandridge, Tillingdon being near the present church. "Tellingedone" is described immediately after "Tenrige," and was held by the same individual.

98. Thursley.—This church was rated with, and as an appendage of, the mother church of Witley 20 of K. Edward I. (M. & B.) Probably therefore it was the chapel intended in (A.D. 1291), and as such it is marked with *. See the Note on Witley, to which as a curacy it remains annexed.

99. Titsey.—Brass: William Gresham, wife and seven children, 1579. (M. & B.) The church of Titsey was removed from its ancient site for the gratification of Sir John Gresham, who died A.D. 1801.