Page:Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey.djvu/317

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are filled up, but their cases are visible on the outside, showing them to have been very small, and rebated for glass externally. The existing windows also are small, and round-headed. From the appearance of the tower it is clear the church never had transepts. For the opinion of the Rev. J. L. Petit respecting this building consult (Archæol. Journ. V, 138, 139.) Near the sea, westward of the river, are the remains of an ancient camp, of considerable dimensions, having high earthworks on the landward side.

179. Newick—Church consists of chancel, nave with north aisle (added about A.D. 1836) Dec. south porch, and square western tower. The chancel is E.E., having Dec. windows under earlier arches. There are a piscina and two sedilia, all rich. In the nave were formerly four small Norm. windows, of which two and a Norm. door were obliterated in erecting the aisle: one window still appears in the south wall.

180. Newtimber.—(Val. Eccl.) mentions the "Ecclia de Shotynber," which, from comparison of the entries, must evidently signify New timber. The church is very small, comprising a small square western tower, nave and chancel with no external distinction between them, and a projection on the north side of the nave. This last and the tower were added A.D. 1839. A lancet window in the north wall, and another in the southern indicate an E.E. date for the building. The east window contains two or three fragments of coloured glass.—A.D. 960 Eadgar, king of all Britain, restored by charter to a certain Wulfric sundry lands, of which he had been deprived for some offence; namely, "Æscesburah," Ashburnham? "deniceswyrth, garanford, cifanlea, stanmere," Stanmer, "ceadelanwyrth, boxoran, bennanham," Beddingham? "wyrtingas," Wartling? "ticceburnan, steddanhain," Stedham, "tullingtun," Tillington, "paeccingas," Patching, "puningas/Toynings, "intimbre," Newtimber. (Cod. Dipl. II, 360.)

Newtimber Place is an old moated mansion, constructed of brick. (Horsfield's Suss. I, 179.) Saddlescombe, now simply a farm, of which the house stands in this parish, though nearer to Poynings, is an ancient manor, extending into Newtimber, Hurst Pierpoint, Twineham, and Bolney. I can find no confirmatory evidence, but I should conjecture, that a preceptory of Knights Templars, mentioned in the Monasticon, was more likely to have been established here, than in the parish of Sedlescombe near Battle. Comp. the Note on that place.