Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/62

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44 NOTES AND QUERIES. t i 2S .x. ^.21,1922. of Fort St. Michael, and on Dec. 15, 1565, decision. It would appear, then, that Starkey Starkey, who became Bailiff of Eagle in his ! had died before this last date, though not stead, petitioned on behalf of the Tongue long before, as when Romegas died in 1581 the baliage of Eagle was still occupied by Starkey, who opposed Gonzales de Mendoa's succession to the Priory of Ireland. Perhaps before he died Starkey had become Turco- polier, for Canon Mifsud writes : As a link of the English knights with La Valette [i.e., Jean Parisot de La Valette, the Grand Master, who died in 1568], the hero of the siege of 1565, a slab was placed, after the British occupation, in the Grand Masters' crypt in St. John's, to the memory of Sir Oliver Starkey, the last English Turcopolier of the Tongue of England. Who put up this slab and what is the in- scription thereon ? Ormerod says that Sir Oliver Starkey became Grand Prior of Eng- land, but it is probable that this is a mistake. See, as to Sir Oliver Starkey, Mifsud, ' The English Knights Hospitallers in Malta ' (Malta, 1914), passim ; Calendar of State Papers, Foreign, 1564, p. 330 ; Ormerod, ' Cheshire,' ii. 188 ; and as to the office of Tins copolerius, 1 1 S. ii. 247, 336, 371 ; iii. 12. JOHN B. WAINE WRIGHT. for certain articles belonging to him. It was reported by spies that Starkey would be willing to conform to Protestantism if allowed to return to England. On May 17, 1561, Sir Oliver Starkey and Sir James Shelley had been placed by the Order " on a par with the other knights of their standing in the matter of lodging, board, and raiment." Canon Mifsud says : Under the title of " alberge, table and soldea," they received pensions adequate to their rank, which allowed of each one of them having a house of his own. . . . From Starkey's application presented to, and passed by, the Chapter General held in Malta on 5th December, 1569, it appears that he was in receipt of a pension from the Common Treasury of 102 scudi and 6 tari, besides the " gaggi " or allowances usually paid to the Lieutenant Turcopolier, table and soldea, allow- ances for the cook, porter, and butler, and the rents of the houses belonging to the Tongue. From that date he was granted an increase of 15 scudi to the allowances of the Lieutenancy, to make up the 60 scudi which were paid yearly to the other Conventual Bailiffs. Later on, on the 21st June, 1571, Starkey was authorized to re- ceive a penson of 400 scudi from any priory what- soever, and James Shelley, after having been granted by the Common Treasury (20th May, 1573) an additional pension of 50 scudi, obtained permission from the Council to draw from the Treasury up to 300 scudi (22nd November, 1574). At that sitting the Bailiff of St. Stephen, Antonio Bologna, gave Shelley 50 scudi out of the rents of his own baliage. | teenth century the brothers It appears that Sir Richard Shelley, at his I and Thomas Hodgson carried on own request, vacated the office of Turcopolier | business of plumbers and glaziers for that of Grand Prior of England, Sept. 20, 1561 ; but I cannot find who became Turco- polier in his room. On July 13, 1559, Sir George Dudley obtained leave of absence from Malta, after having secured the rever- sion of the Turcopoliership/ but it does not seem that he ever became Turcopolier. Possibly the office remained vacant until it appeared certain that no reconciliation between England and the Catholic Church was possible. Two foreigners were ap- pointed by briefs of Gregory XIII. ; first Mathurin d'Aux de Lescout, called Romegas, and then Pedro Gonzales de Mendoca. The latter renounced the post April 15, 1578, which was eventually annexed to the Grand Mastership by brief dated June 9, 1582. The military duties of the office were at the same time permanently vested in the Grand Master's Seneschal. James Shelley had been refused (Dec. 14, 1581) the Lieu- tenancy of the Turcopoliership pending such GLASS -PAINTERS OF YORK. (See ante, 12 S. viii. 127, 323, 364, 406, 442, 485; ix. 21, 61, 103, 163, 204, 245, 268, 323, 363, 404, 442, 483, 523.) THE HODGSON FAMILY. DURING the second quarter of the nine- William a at No. 25, Stonegate, which had been estab- lished since the end of the seventeenth century. At the same period, Jean Baptiste Capronnier, the famous glass -painter of Brussels, was rapidly acquiring a world-wide reputation. He had succeeded to the business founded by his father Fran9ois, the Belgian reviver of the art, who, after having been for some time at the porcelain manu- factory at Sevres, turned his attention to glass -painting, and in 1830 founded a studio for the purpose. J. B. Capronnier executed very many windows for churches in England and employed William and Thomas Hodgson to fix them. At that time there was no firm of glass -painters in York, the Barnett firm having been broken up in 1853 and the several members of the family dis- persed in various directions. These con- siderations evidently induced the Hodgsons to start as glass -painters on their own account, and they induced Mark Barnett,