Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/617

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Notes and Queries. July 29, 1922. SUBJECT INDEX. 509 King's Printing House, Thames -street, 1653, 269 Kingsley (Charles), ' Vanity Fair ' caricature, 226 Kipling (William and John), clockmakers, 431. 478, 495 Knaves Acre : see Lambeth Knight (Charles), performer in ' Not So Bad As We Seem,' 1851, 10, 51 Knight (Henrietta), minor-poet, 91 Knighthood fees, 225 Knights of the Hanoverian Order, 36, 75 Knox (G. J.), landscape painter, 9, 57, 59 Kotow, refusal to, 168, 215 Kynaston (Thomas S. and Edward), Westminster scholars, 72 " Labbut," explanation of name wanted, 330 Lackland, surname, 130, 272 Lade (Sir John), his marriage, 327 Lambert (Richard), glass-painter of York, 45 Lambert family, 182, 318 Lambeth : Knaves Acre, 190, 256, 356 Lamplugh (Edward), 39, 76 Landells (Robert Thomas), artist, 1833-1877, 9, 57, 58 Land measurement terms, 48, 96, 156, 198, 236 Langdale (Lord), case before : death presumed, 489 Languages of Eastern Europe, books on, 431 ' La Santa Parentela,' miniature painted on ivory, 107, 157, 233, 296 Latin saying, source of, 188 Lawrence (Capt.), commander of the Chesapeake, 465 Lazenki Palace : see Warsaw Lead-mining in Derbyshire, old law of, 468 Ledbury, Hereford, manorial owners prior to 1480, 272, 337 Lee (Henry) and Gilbert Imlay, 128 Lee family, 71 I^edes family of North Milford, Tadcaster, 110 Leeds, arms of, 56, 72, 115, 156 Lely (Sir Peter) and portraits of Barbara Villiers, 251 Lely (Richard), minor-poet, 91, 137 Lens (Jean de) and the University of Lou vain, 486 Lewis (David), attribution of ' Songs to Winfreda ' to, 91 Ligne (Daniel de), Westminster scholar, 310, 358 Linnaeus and the Mile End Nursery, 250, 313 Literary " finds," 487 Literary parallels and coincidences, 449 Literature: authors of "penny dreadfuls," 210, 273, 332, 372, 417, 458, 475 " Living library," use of the phrase, 53 Llangollen church, arms in stained-glass window of, 410, 474 Lloyd family, British settlers in America, 368 Loftus family, 289, 356, 398 London : Billingsgate, the " bosse " of, 452 Cheapside, width of, 290, 335 Clockmakers of, 431, 478, 495 " Coffee-houses," East London, 107, 238 Coffee-houses, taverns and inns in the eighteenth-century, 13, 26, 66, 102, 164, 202, 314 Commercial schools in the eighteenth century, 451 London : Eighteenth-century habits and customs, 207 Fleet Street : recent changes, 323 ; taverns 346, 396 Gentlemen of the Poultry, 56 Islington: St. Mary's Churchyard, 188, 232 Lord Mayor, one legged : see Watson (Sir Brook) Mounted Police, 468 St. Peter-the-Proud, Church of, 55 Tavern signs : " The Cock " (Suffolk-street or Bow-street), 371, 474; "The Swan' 96, 136 London Bridge (old), early references to, 245, 314, Looten (Jan Gideon), his wife, Laetitia Cotes, 469 Lord (William), Governor of Cape Coast Castle, d. 1718, 318 Lords of the manor, privileges granted by, 7 Lord's Prayer, the fifth petition, 11, 52 Louis de Male, 490 Lou vain University, professorships at, 486 " Love " in place-names, 130, 473 Lovell (Thomas), Act of James I. for relief of, 150 Lower Thames-street : the Steam Packet Inn, 207, 279 ; meaning of stone sign in front of No. 6, 309, 395 Lyttelton family and the Popish Plot, 349, 394 M Macdonald (John Cameron) of The Times' and Waddon, 469, 498 MacGregor (William) = Captain Skinner, 356 Mackintosh (Brigadier) and the Jacobite rising of 1715, 361 McWhea family, 290 Maddeson (George and John), 273 Maelcote (Robert van) and the University of Louvain, 486 " Magic squares," 428, 475 Magrath (Meiler), Archbishop of Cashel, 59, 112 Maitre (John Peterle) and Oxford University, 425, 463, 482 " Male," etymology of word, 490 Maltby family, 310 Mangles (Rev. G.), chaplain to Prince of Wales in 1789, 159 Mantell (Dr. Gideon), F.R.S., Richardson's bust of, 31 Manton (Joe), gunmaker, 489 Mara : see Maitre Marat (Jean Paul), his residence in England, 381, 403, 422, 441, 462, 482 ' Margaret's Tomb,' engraving by Bartolozzi, lines on, 49, 99 Markham, Popham and Saunders families, 210 Marny (Paul), landscape painter, 9, 57, 58 Marriage service : the ring finger, 453, 495 ' Marrying Man,' play by Mrs. Gordon Smythies, 169* Marshall (Hamlet), rector of Pad worth, Berks, 1600-7, 230 Martial and Pudens, 410 Martin family, 350, 399, 438 Martinelli (Vincenzo), date of death wanted, 309 Massinger (Philip) and Dekker's ' The Virgin Martyr,' 61, 83 Masters (Mary), minor-poet, 91, 137 " Mata Hari," shot as spy, Oct. 1917, 34, 79