Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/577

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12 s. x. JUNE 17. 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 475 of Dr. Ward's strange phrases. The latest quotation is from J. Martineau's ' Study of Religion' (1888). L. R. M. STRACHAX. Birmingham University. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR POLISH DISSIDENTS (12 S. x. 430). I have a hazy recollection for the name of Hulbert in the Norman period. I should say none, if I were not prepared to be better instructed at any moment, and if I had not found Foubert and Fulbert used indifferently at that period. Personally, I should have expected to find Hubert written Houbert or Hulbert that I have come across some church briefs ( w hen Raufe became Ralfe, Uccombe Ul- soliciting contributions towards this^fund. combe, Auferiston Alfriston, Hausted Hal- sted, and Ruvenden from Rouvenden became Rolvenden (whence, between 1087 and L. L. K. EQUILINEAR SQUARES (12 S. x. 428). The usual name for these is " magic squares." There are quite a number of books dealing with them. Some of these books are in the Patent Office Library classified under ' Mathematical Recreations ' or some such title. L. L. K. HUBERT DE RIE AND FULBERT OF DOVER 1700, Hubert evolved into- Houbard, Hoi- bard and Hulbert), but in an early charter of Cumbwell Abbey, date 1168, Hubert the Hunter appears as " Holbertus venator." However, that is not Norman, but only early Angevin. Still, MR. WHITE will note that in this case the scriptor has not followed " regular Latin " and rendered Hubert as J.J.U rsnirvj. JLJ.CI xvAJi. A.LN.L a: U-urs.n,xv j. vjr _i_/i_ v XL..EV i -rr T~ _, j i 1111 (12 S. x. 388, 436).-The hunting of this Hubertus, and many unlearned clerks have particular Snark has led MR. WHITE into smce c P ied ms bad exam P le - depths and shallows where I can only I ma Y add that whether spelt Foubert or follow after removing one or two red herrings Fulbert, Hubert or Hulbert, the pronuncia- which threaten to put us off the track. tlon was the same > the " ' b ^ m g mute, or " Unfortunately," he says, " ' son of Hubert- ' would appear in Latin as filius Huberti, not as Fulbertus," which, though at most only lengthening the preceding vowel, as in the place and personal names quoted above, and in many family names, hardly a misfortune, is quite true if one be j as Colveney, Caldwell, Greenhalgh, Albery dealing with Latin ; and " son of Hugo " j for Aubery, &c. PERCY HULBURD. would, I may add, also, be filius Hugonis. | But we are trying to discover what, tempo EARLY VICTORIAN LITERATURE (12 S. x.. William the Conqueror, his Norman subjects | 210, 273, 332, 372, 417, 458). The intro- called, colloquiaUv, the sons of Hubert and ! duction of the name of John Frederick of Hugh. They did not talk among them- Smith into this correspondence by Mr. selves in Pipe Roll Latin. In later days i ANDREW DE TERNANT, on the authority of they called FitzHugh " FeHewe," and by m y old friend the late Mr. Thomas Catling, analogy we may assume they called Fitz- ' is of the more interest because that volu- Hubert "' FeHubert." The only question of interest is, did they call him " FeHubert " before the Conquest ? If so, the Christian name Foubert mav have been in some minous but very minor Victorian writer, though unknown to the very comprehensive ' D.N.B.,' had the distinction of being remembered bv Robert Louis Stevenson. instances derived from it, even if in other In chap. iv. of R. L. Stevenson and cases it had a different Teutonic source. Lloyd Osbourne's capital burlesque story. MR. WHITE speaks of Foubert " forgetting ' The Wrong Box,' there is the passage : his Christian name," and of a Foubert in the " It has been remarked by some judicious Dover family whose father's name was John, thinker (possibly J. F. Smith) that Pro- not Hubert. In 1086 all personal names vidence despises to employ no instrument, were font-names, or nicknames, and when however humble." The second chapter a man was called Probyn because he was had opened with the observation, similarly Ap Robin, he was not precluded from having reminiscent of the then remembered but relations of the name of Thomas. Professor ! now forgotten popular Victorian tale - Weekley has given us many a more curious spinners : "Some days later, accordingly, compound for a font -name than Fi Is Hubert j the three males of this depressing family or " FeHubert," for a son or grandson of ( might have been observed (by a reader of Hubert who may well have preferred to ] G. P. R. James) taking their departure christen his own son John, or Hugh, as did j from the East Station of Bournemouth. ' r the first Fulbert of Dover. I - G. P. R. James, of " three horsemen MR. WHITE asks what authority there is might have been seen '* renown, ever men-