Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/571

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12 s. x. JUN* 17. 1*22.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 469 ' THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND MAGAZINE.' Who were the editors of this old and long nourishing monthly while it lasted ? When was it discontinued ? ANEURIN WILLIAMS. Menai View, North Road, Carnarvon. EVELYN QUERY : PICTURE BY MURILLO. Writing in his Diary on June 21, 1693, Evelyn mentions that at the auction of Lord Melford's pictures " Lord Godolphin bought the picture of the Boys, by Murillo, the Spaniard, for 80 guineas, dear enough." Is anything known of the subsequent history of that picture ? The fact that one of Lord Godol- phin's sons married a daughter of the Duke of Marlborough just afterwards is slight grounds for even suspecting that this picture might be the one entitled ' Two Beggar Boys ' alluded to in v Annals,' iii. 1441, by Sir William Stirling-Maxwell as being in the gallery at Blenheim. I suppose it is not either of the gems of the Dulwich Gallery the two Murillo ' Spanish Beggar Boys,' the past histories of which pictures I have forgotten, if I ever knew, and at this distance have *no means of tracing off- hand. E. A. G. STUART. Alor Star, Kedah, Malay States. ANTHONY WAITE, a servant of the Wyke- hamist Bishop of Chichester, Robert Sher- borne, wrote a letter to Lady Lisle telling how Richard Sampson, D.C.L., and William Reppes or Rugg, Abbot of St. Bennet's, Hulme, were consecrated Bishop of Chiches- ter and Norwich respectively on Trinity Sunday, June 11, 1536 (' Letters arid Papers Hen. VIII.,' x. 481). He was probably the Antony Wayte who entered Winchester Col- lege in 1512, aged 13, from Sparkford (Kirby, 'Winchester Scholars,' p. 105). Is anything more known of him ? JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT. COTES OF COTES : LOOTEN MONUMENT, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Jan Gideon Looten, a member of a distinguished Dutch family, who had been Governor of Macassar and Ceylon, died at Utrecht in 1789, at the age of 80. His body was taken to England, I understand, and he was buried in the Abbey. At any rate a handsome monument there still bears record of his importance. He had married, secondly, when he was 57 years of age, Laetitia Cotes of Cotes, belonging to the well-known Staffordshire family of that ! name. Can anybody kindly tell me some- thing more concerning Laetitia Cotes and the reason why this monument was erected | in Westminster Abbey to the memory of this worthy Dutch Colonial Governor. Th& monument is sculptured by Banks. W. DEL COURT. 47, Blenheim Crescent, W. 11. WADDON. I am getting together some notes on Waddon, a 'hamlet near Croydon.. Old residents tell me that a house now destroyed and the site built upon was owned by a Mr. Macdonald of The Times.. I see in the index to the * D.N.B.' that a James Macdonell (1842-1879), journalist,, was a Times leader-writer. Could anyone tell me if he had a house at Waddon ? I am also told that after Mr. Macdonald's death the house was bought by a " Mr. Lawrence," the owner of Modern Society. Can any reader identify him ? PRESCOTT Row. The Old House, Waddon, Surrey. HENRY BLACKET. He was vicar of Boldon, Co. Durham, 1770-1808. Parti- culars concerning him are required. H. T. GILES. 11, Ravensbourne Terrace, South Shields. JOHN STACKHOUSE. He was vicar of Boldon 17 18-37. Particulars concerning him are required. 'H. T. GILES. 11, Ravensbourne Terrace. South Shields. CAXTON ADVERTISEMENT. I have what is considered to be a facsimile of a Caxton advertisement. It is his best -known ad- vertisement, " If it please any man spiritual or temporal," &c. About what time were these reprints made ? f RONALD D. WHITTENBURY-KAYE. DOWDING. William Dowding, son of William Dowding of Tunbridge, Kent,, graduated B.A. at Oxford from Christ Church in 1763, and William Dowding, son of William Dowding of Worcester City,, matriculated at Oxford from Balliol College,. March 3, 1787. Any information about these Dowdings, who were probably father and son, would be useful. G. F. R. B. DRUMMOND. Andrew Drummond was admitted to Westminster School on Nov. 11, 1773, Edward Drummond on Sept. 15, 1776, and George Drummond on Jan. 23, 1781. Can any correspondent identify these three Drummonds ? They were probably relatives of the banker of Charing Cross. G. F. R, B.