Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/524

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430 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 S. X. JUNES, 1922. " CHINESE " GORDON IN SCULPTURE. Sir Edgar Boehm exhibited a bust of " Chinese " Gordon at the Royal Academy of 1885. Is j this the plaster cast now in the National Portrait Gallery, and was it ever produced j in marble or bronze ? Onslow Ford also j exhibited a bust in 1888. Where is it now ? ! Hamo Thornycroft exhibited a bronze ! statuette in 1889. Where is it now ? Is it the statuette reproduced on a publisher's invitation card now in the Print Department of the British Museum ? J. M. BULLOCH. 37, Bedford Square, W.C.I. BYRON AND THE ROYAL SOCIETY. - In 'Observations upon "Observations"' (Byron's 'Works,' Paris ed., 1835, at p. 837), the poet writes : One of the reproaches against Mr. Gilchrist is, that he is (it is sneeringly said) an F.S.A. If it will give Mr. Bowles any pleasure, I am not an F.S.A., but a Fellow of the Royal Society at his service, in case there should be anything in that association also which may point to a paragraph. When was Byron elected F.R.S. ? JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT. HAZLITT AS A PORTRAIT-PAINTER. Where can I find a list of the portraits known to have been painted by Hazlitt, and informa- tion as to their present whereabouts ? (The portrait of Lamb in the National Portrait Gallery I know, of course.) Who was the Manchester manufacturer whose portrait he painted, and " who died worth a plum " (E. M. of L., p. 64) ? Have any fresh facts about the identity of Hazlitt's second wife been discovered since Mr. Birrell wrote his ' Life ' ? A. C. BULL OF WEST JERSEY. Information desired of the forbears of John Bull, born in England in 1674, an emigrant to the West Jersey Lands, later settling in the Penn Colony, and dying at Parkeomink in 1736. What ship did he come over in ? Bulls of first-names (Thomas, Richard and Sarah) similar to those of his children came to the West Jersey Lands from Staffordshire. Thomas Bull of West Jersey in 1722 devised property to son Thomas cf Pipe Hill, Stafford. The name of wife of John Bull was Elizabeth, but maiden surname is unknown. Please reply direct. JAMES H. BULL, Commodore, U.S.A. Navy, ret. 2165, Jackson Street, San Franciso, California. RHYMING HISTORY OF ROME. In con- nexion with the information lately given on rhyming histories of England, can any reader supply the concluding lines and source of a rhyming history of Rome used in schools in the sixties and seventies of the last century ? I can remember only the following : On seven hills the city stood. Close by the Tiber's yellow flood, And seven kings in order came, First founders of her future fame : Romulus first and Remus second, Tullus Hostilius third is reckon 'd, The fourth was Ancus Martius grim, Tarquinius Priscus followed him. L. M. ANSTEY. PALINDROME ON A SUNDIAL. What is the translation of NI^ONANOMHM AMH MONANO^IX an inscription on a modern sundial ? LEZZE. [" Cleanse thy sin, not only thy sight." This palindrome has been a good deal discussed in ' N. & Q.,' and many interesting particulars of its occurrence as an inscription on ancient fonts and other erections will be foxmd at 4 S. x. 198, 288, 313, 410, 495 ; xii. 58 5 S. vii. 372 ; viii. 77 8 S. ix. 167, 2"53, 295.] YATES. I am interested in John Yates of Swinton, Lancashire (son of Oliver Yates of Mam), b. 1659, d. 1753, aged 94, and desire to trace his exact relationship to the Joseph Yates, b. 1655, who was grandfather of Judge Yates, the contemporary of Lord Mansfield. What was the connexion, if any, between these Yateses and the William Yates of Blackburn, whose daughter Ellen was the mother of Sir Robert Peel, the statesman. The above Joseph Yates's great-grandfather owned Stanley House, Mellor, near Black- burn, as did probably his descendants also down to 1735, when the same Joseph Yates's son, Joseph, High Sheriff of Lancashire, succeeded to Peel Hall. O. HOLLAND. 31, Chatsworth Road, Bournemouth. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR POLISH DISSIDENTS. It is stated that during the seventeenth century there were subscriptions in England for the benefit of Polish Dissidents. This was probably in consequence of the increased persecution during the rei gn of John Casimir (1648-68). I should be glad of information regarding these subscriptions, which were probably organized and supported by prominent Puritans. LAURANCE M. WULCKO. 142, Kinfauns Road, Goodmayes, Essex.