Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/522

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428 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 S.X.JUNE 3, 1922. 1478 ; Nicolaus Gotz, Koln, c. 1475 ; Gio- vanni Pietro Ferratis, Placentia, 1475 ; Johann Zainer, Ulm, c. 1480 ; and the great Bible of Adolf Riisch of Inguiler, containing 1,209 leaves, printed with the types of Johann Amerbach of Basel, c. 1480, with the gloss of Walafridus Strabo and of Anselmus Scholasticus ; in the former of which naribus is used. Riisch was Mentelin's son-in-law, and according to Wimpheling, in the ' Epitome Geraianicarum Rerum,' succeeded him in the business. But some printers retained the old rendering, as Andreas Frisner, Johann Sensenschmidt and Anthony Koburger, all of Niirnberg ; indeed Koburger continued to use auribus to the end of the century. In order to settle which was the correct word, auribus or naribus, it seemed to me that the original Hebrew must be consulted, and, as I am not a Hebrew scholar, I wrote to the Chief Rabbi, who answered through his amiable secretary, Mr. Emanuel Drielsma, now, alas, no more, who said that the Hebrew word used could " only mean ' nose,' " and that " the most simple explanation for the translation ' ears ' is that, since the previous sentence in the verse speaks of ears, a careless scribe inserted the word also in the next sentence," and so the error was repeated in edition after edition. Mr. Drielsma being unfortunately dead and having omitted to tell me the Hebrew word, my old friend Mr. H. Symons, of the British Museum, informs me that the Hebrew for nose is aph, and that although it means " nose," it may also be translated " nostrils." In the Authorized Version of 2 Kings xix. 28 and Isaiah xxxvii. 29 it is translated " nose," and in Isaiah ii. 22 " nostrils," " Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils : for wherein is he to be accounted of ? " This seems to be the better translation because in Latin, naribus being in the plural number, it could not be translated in any other, way; more- over, all the German translations read Nasenlocher. It seems strange that the editors of the Revised Version did not notice this dis- crepancy, more especially as that eminent scholar, Dr. Ginsburg, was one of them. S. J. ALDRICH. ' THE PICKWICK PAPERS ' : MARTIN. ' Pickwick ' is full of curiosities due to the gay flow of a youthful pen. Was there ever a story-teller who gave two different characters the same name in one book ? It would be careless. But ' Pickwick ' contained, I used to think, three Martins. On re-reading I find that there are four. In chap. xix. the tall gamekeeper is called " Martin " by Mr. Wardle. In chap. xlii. the man whom Mr. Roker recalled as whopping the coal- heaver down Fox-under-the-Hill was Tom Martin. In chap, xlviii. the coachman of Mr. Benjamin Allen's aunt is " Martin." He is the only one of the four who has a speaking and acting part in the actual course of the story. But in chap, xlix., the very next, his name seems to be forgotten, for it contains the story of the Bagman's Uncle, whose name is twice given as " Jack Martin." V. R. EQUILINEAR SQUARES. We sometimes see a box containing sixteen little blocks numbered 1 to 16, and a puzzle is set to arrange them so that the figures in each row, each column, and each diagonal shall amount to the same sum. This can be solved as follows : 8 1 13 12 3 10 6 15 14 7

16 11 2 4 5 or 13 8 12 1 2 11 7 14 3 10 6 15 16 5 9 4 A similar puzzle with nine blocks is also shown and can be easily solved thus : 6 1 8 7 5 3 2 9 4 As I have taken the trouble to arrange the squares of five, six and seven so as to produce similar results, and I do not know where else they can be found, you may