Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/491

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12 S. X.MAY 27," 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 401 LONDON, MAY 27. 1922. CONTENTS. No. 215. NOTES : ' The Trusty Servant,' 401 A Curious Deed of Obligation, 402 Marat in England, 403 Inscriptions at St. Peter's, Bedford, 405 Abbot Paslew : his Place of Execution, 407 Yorkshire use of " Thou " " Monkey Trick " Elder Folk-lore. 408. QUERIES : Hard-lying Money Mount Morgan Literary Allusions in the Works of E. A. Poe, 408 Hemphill " Hay Silver " The Birmingham Harcourts Military Term : " Raffaele " Hungary Water D'Anvers Arms Inn : Pindar's Bagnio Reid the Mountebank Ad ri ui Stokes, 409 Thomas Andrewes Viscountess Rochford Hagen Family Brass Ornaments on Harness Heraldic : Iden- tification, of Arms sought The Royal Arms Arms and Crest, Llmgollen " Intue " Pudens Magazine Article wanted Scott : Reference wanted Author wanted, 410. REPLIES : " A Robin Hool Wind," 411 Wools, The Times Correspondent in Canada, 412 An Illustration of the Bestiary ? British Settlers in America, 413 Rhymed History of England Grandfather and Father of Sir George Etherege : Addenda et Corrigenda Roche Sanadoire, 414 Eighteenth-century German Principalities English Army Slang Sweeney Todd Gillman (or Guillim) Family, 415 William Milburn Mozeen (Muzeen) Family. 416 Some Mid- Victorian Coteries " Tight " and Other Equine Terms Admiral Sir Charles Cotton Peel Yates Rope of San I Early Victorian Literature, 417 Wroth Family, 418 The Crossed Keys at York, 419. NOTES ON BOOKS : ' Excursions in Victorian Bibliography ' ' Anglo-Saxon and Norse Poems ' ' The Letters from George W. Eveleth to Edgar Allan Poe 'A Middle English Vocabulary ' ' The Ancient Buildings of Folkestoi e District.' Notices to Correspondents. 'THE TRUSTY SERVANT.' AMONG the many souvenirs of Winchester there are few more interesting and more highly prized than the reproduction of the quaint figure of ' The Trusty Servant.' The original, in the form of a ery old painting, is hidden in the gloomy recesses of the College buttery. Reproduced in china, with the distinctive colouring of the Royal Wind- sor livery, suggested by King George III.* on his visit to College, it is alike unique and suggestive of many pleasant associations. It will be remembered that in recent years the King, desirous of bestowing a special mark of favour on Mr. Arthur Balfour (now Lord Balfour of Whittinghame), sent him the Royal Windsor uniform. As a Trusty Servant of the State, no man can show a better title to wear it.

  • This point was given me by Mr. Kirby, the

buiv>ar and historian of College. Some years ago a photograph of the pic- ture at College was taken with considerable difficulty and published locally. The photo- grapher" was a Mr. Green, or Greene, and there is reason to believe that it was he who was afterwards acknowledged as the inventor of the kinematograph. It will be remem- bered that kinematograph entertainments were given at St. John's Rooms, Winchester, in the very early days of the art, under the management of Mr. Doody, of the College choir. One well remembers the reproduc- tion, for instance, of the procession at the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, in 1897. The art was then in a very early stage, though the reproductions were decidedly good. Some of the reels of those days have a historic interest if they could be traced. Here also the serrated silver screen was used by Mr. Dexter, manager of the gas-works, who took up lantern work as a hobby, and got some very fine effects. If the Mr. Green who photographed suc- cessfully * The Trvisty Servant ' at College were the same man as the inventor of the kine- matograph, it would show that Winchester has a distinct and interesting link with a movement which has done much to revolu- tionize pictorial art, apart from its in- estimable commercial value. The inventor, it will be recalled, died in recent years in Brooke Street, Holborn, the scene of the tragic death of the poet Chatterton, the " marvellous boy " whose genius was not recognized until too late, and whom Horace Walpole so callously " turned down." The poetry attached to the picture, as sold in post-card form, hardly comes up to the high level of the Wiccamical poetic standard. * It does not scan well ; there are false rhymes and other inelegances. The following is suggested as a more finished inscription as far as scansion is concerned, at the same time retaining with due con- servatism the quaint allusiveness of the wording : A Trusty Servant's portrait : well-a-day ! This emblematic figure please survey ; The Porker's snout, not " nice " in diet shows ; The Padlock's shut no secrets he'll disclose ; Patient as Ass, he'll master's burdens bear ; Swiftness on errands the Stag's feet declare ; His loaded Left-hand, apt to labour saith ; The Vest his neatness ; Open Hand his Faith ; Girt with Court Sword, his Shield upon his arm, Himself and Master he'll protect from harm. . DlNNEFOBD GOMAN, Formerly Editor, Hampshire Notes and Queries.