Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/450

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368 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. X.MAY is, 1022. husband to be dealt with to take her home, and offered him five hundred pounds for reparation. Is it known to which of Sir John's sons Bacon refers ? JOHN B. WAINEWR!IGHT. BRITISH SETTLERS IN AMERICA. In con- tinuation of my note at 12 S. ix. 462, the following brief notes may enable descendants of early settlers in America to establish con- nexion with families in this country. 16. Evelynton Manor, in the " Baronie of St. Mary," was conceded to the Hon. Geo. Evelyn in 1638. He was related to the Evelyn family of Evelyn, in. the county of Salop, and went out as agent of Clabery and Co. of London (Claibourne's partners), and superseded that person on that person's departure for England in 1637. He was the means of bringing Kent Island under Lord Baltimore's jurisdiction. He left the colony in 1638 and returned to England, but he had a brother, Capt. Robert Evelyn, who was more interested in the province. The Evelyns were among the earliest Royalists of Quebec Province. John Evelyn, the accomplished author of ' Sylva,' was con- nected with this family. 17. Fenwick Manor, on Cat Creek, in 1651 became the fief of Cuthbert Fenwick, a member of Lord Baltimore's council, who was connected with one of the oldest families in Northumberland, the Fenwicks, Lords of Fenwyke, temp. Henry I. In 1659 the manor house was the scene of the trial of Edward Prescott for " hanging a witch." The only witness who was sum- moned was Colonel John Washington, great- grandfather of President George Washing- ton. When the day arrived for the trial, instead of the witness came a letter of excuse in the following phraseology : " Because then, God willing, I intend to gette my yowng sonne baptized, all the Company and Gossips being allready invited." As the witness did not appear, the prisoner was discharged. The Right Rev. Edward Fenwick, the first Roman Catholic Bishop of Cincinnati, was a descendant of Cuthbert, whose only brother, Ignatius Fenwick, married Sarah Taney, of the family that produced Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney, of the United States Supreme Court. Many other de- scendants of the Lords of Fenwick Manor are scattered about the western shore and in the City of Baltimore. 18. William Bretton, accompanied by his wife Mary, daughter of Thomas Tubbs, and four-year-old son, went over in 1637, and in 1640 got a grant of Lit tie "VBretton Manor. The house was built of English brick and is still standing. It has a "commanding position, overlooking St. Clement's Bay and the Potomac River. For nearly 20 years he was clerk of the Assembly. Several members of this family settled at St. John, New Brunswick. 19. Portland Manor, in Anne Arundel County, was the lordship of the^Darnalls, whose ancestor, Col. Henry Darnall, a relative of Lord Baltimore, went over from London twenty years before the Protestant revolution in England. Woodyard, another residence of this family, in Prince George's County, is in existence at the present time, and is said to be the most interesting family residence in Maryland. This family has many descendants residing in the State, also in Ontario. 20. Doughoregan Manor was the seat of the Carrolls of Wicklow, Ireland, the first of whom in Maryland was Charles, who landed at Annapolis some time in the seven- teenth century. To this family belonged two celebrated men in the early history of the United States Charles Carroll of Car- rollton (1737-1832), who was the last signer of the Declaration of Independence, and the Right Rev. John Carroll, the first Vicar- General of the United States, as well as the first archbishop in Maryland. The grand- son of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, John Lee Carroll, was onetime Governor of Mary-* land. 21. Fordham Manor, by royal patent, Nov. 13, 1671, was granted to John Archer, a descendant of Humphrey Archer, born 1527, of the family of Archer of Launceston, Cornwall. His son John, second lord of the manor, married Sarah Oclell in 1686. The Odells were of Limerick, Ireland. 22. Gardiner Manor (3,300 acres), Gar- diner's Island, New York, was granted to Col. Lionel Gardiner of Castle Coombe, Wiltshire. It was in the possession of that family to 1776. 23. St. Elizabeth's Manor, on Smith's Creek, became the property of the Hon. William Bladen, the first " public printer " of Maryland. His son was Gov. Thomas Bladen, who married Barbara, daughter of Sir Thomas Janssen. Both of these families hailed from London. 24. St. Inigoe's Manor, in St. Mary's County, was owned by Thomas Copley, said