Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/443

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wax.MATis.i9M.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 361 LONDON. MAY 13. 1922. CONTENTS. No. 213. NOTES : Jacobites transported to Virginia, 361 Concerning the Grandfather and Father of Sir George Etherege. 362 Inscriptions at St. Peter's, Bedford. 365 An Illustration of the Bestiary ? 366 " Tight " and other Equine Terms Sir John Bourne. 367 British Settlers in America, 368 QUERIES : Furneux, Berdewell and Denny Families Old and New Style Woods, The Times Correspondent in Canada, 1860. 369 Spencer Smith Gillman (or Guillim) Family Holderness : Derivation of Name Doodles Reynolds of Loughacur, Co. Leitrim, 370 London Inns : The Cock in Suffolk Street Mozeen (Muzeen) Family Old Records of Sussex Barbosa Jack Roberts Bourson The Charing Cross Magazine Eighteenth-century German Principalities Amore Family Thomson's ' Scottish Airs ' Henry Cotton, Dean of Lismore Admiral Sir Charles Cotton, 371 William Thomas, Clerk to the Privy Council John Jones Crossley Elizabeth, Daughter of James I. William Clark Wimberley Moir Surname Wroth Family Epigram on Queen Charlotte Quotation wanted, 372. REPLIES : Early Victorian Literature. 372 Old London Bridge, 374 W. J. N. Neale Acting Engineer The Crossed Keys at York. 375 Palavicini Arms Rhymed History of England, 376 Prime Minister " Probability is the guide of life " General Nicholson, 377 Sweeney Todd Sprusen's Island" A Robin Hood Wind," 378 Peel Yates Cap of Maintenance Lance Calkin Nigger Minstrelsy Spry Family William Milburn, 379. NOTES ON BOOKS : ' The Cambridge Medieval History,' Vol. III. Notices to Correspondents. JACOBITES TRANSPORTED TO VIRGINIA. THERE is a tradition in my family that an ancestor (Angus Shaw), who was a lieutenant in the Mackintosh Regiment which took part in the Jacobite rising of 1715, had subse- quently been transported to " white servi- tude " in Virginia, whence he returned to Strathnairn after seven years. Attempts to verify this tradition in England have always proved futile, but I have at last succeeded in tracing Angus Shaw's name in a List of Rebel Prisoners imported by Captain Edward Trafford in the Elizabeth and Anne from Liverpool. The list is contained in the Virginian Colonial Archives, 1716, and is dated Jan. 14 in that year. As many of your readers may be interested in the details some no doubt may trace lost relatives I send the list to you for publication. The history of the gallant conduct of these Highlanders is told in Harrison Ainsworth's ' Preston Fight.' Their leader, Brigadier Mackintosh, effected his escape from Newgate Prison, and his son settled in* Georgia, a grandson becoming a well-known revolutionary general. The treatment of the Jacobite prisoners was very harsh ; many were executed ; and the fate of those who were transported may be gathered from the petition of which I enclose a copy. This is also taken from the Virginian Colonial Archives. It is curious to reflect that the son of Angus Shaw, the prisoner at Yorktown in 1716, was to be found among the officers of the British Army which capitulated at the same place in 1781, a striking tribute to the liberal policy of Pitt, who enlisted the High- landers in the British service. 1. LIST OF REBEL TO 29 under Indenture. Blaekwood, James Bruce, Robert Cams, Christopher

  • Clark, Duncan

Dickinson, George Dunbar, John Foster, Thos. Graham, Fergus Hume, Francis Kennedy, Jno.

  • Mackintosh, James
  • Mackintosh, James
  • Mackintosh, John
  • Mackintosh, Jno.
  • McPherson, Owen

Menzies, Arch. Nisbet, James Robertson, Jno.

  • Shaw, Angus
  • Shaw, Donald
  • Smith, Robert

Stewart, Jno. Stewart, Jno. Stewart, Jno. Stewart, Malcolm Stewart, Robert Stewart, Robert Thomson, Daniel Turner, William 83 not Indented. Abbot, Fred. Abercrombie, Jno. Allen, Thos. Anderson, Rob. Arnot, David Betty, Alex. Brown, Jno. Bruce, Alex. Burns, Jno. Cane, Hugh Carr, Alex. PRISONERS TRANSPORTED VIRGINIA. Carr, Robert Chisholm, Adam Copeland, Robert Cruster, William

  • Davidson, Owen

Donaldson, Jno. Donaldson, William Duncan, Robert Dunn, William Ferguson (= Far quhar- son)

  • Ferguson, Alex.
  • Ferguson, James
  • Ferguson, Lawrence
  • Ferguson, Patrick
  • Finley, William

Finny, Jno. Glendinning, Jno. Grant, Robert Harris, Jno. Henderson, Charles Johnson, James Johnston, John Kerr, Alex. Kid, Alex. Lindsay, James Lowder, George Lyon, William Mackenzie, Alex.

  • Mackgilwray, Donald
  • Mackilway, William
  • Mackintosh, David
  • Mackintosh, James
  • Mackintosh, Jno.

Macknaughton, Malcolm Mackruther, William

  • Macquin (Macqueen),

Daniel Malcolm, James Marjoribanks, George Martin, William Maxwell, William

  • Clan Chattan (Mackintosh) names.