Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/44

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30 NOTES AND QUERIES. f 12 S.X.JAN. 14,1922. CAEN WOOD. The pending sale and hoped- for purchase for public use of Caen Wood calls for some further notice in these columns. The house, the very beautiful grounds and their associations will be familiar to many, because they have by constant allusion become as well known as the Palace of Hampton Court. This should ensure its preservation, and will if the matter is dealt "DEAR CLIFFORD'S SEAT." At a village near Stratford-on-Avon, called in * Poly- olbion ' dear Clifford's seat (the place of health and sport), Which many a time hath been the Muse's quiet port, I believe that a record has recently been established, proving that Drayton was correct in calling this picturesque spot .._,_ __. " the place of health." In 1887 the church | w ith by a thoroughly representative corn- was restored, and when the work was com-! rnittee. pleted a new team of ringers was appointed. I F rom its bibliography I would select for These same men rang many changes on the mention the late Mr. J. H. Lloyd's ' Caen bells without a change among themselves j Wood and its Associations,' originally a until 1919, 32 years, when the conductor lecture delivered on March 15, 1892, and died, and his brother, not wishing to con- , printed by request of the members of some tmue after this loss, resigned. Their names j i oca i institution before whom it was de- were George Lynes (conductor), James j ii ver ed. Its iconography is also abundant, Lynes, William Liveley, John Liveley, Enoch j an d possibly the most interesting thing in this Liveley, John Bettridge and John Salmon.; is a colour-aquatint after F. W. Stockdale, John Liveley has been clerk since 1887,! published in oblong 8vo early in the nine- ha yPS the succeeded his father, who had , teenth century. Of MSS. there are many, held the office for 27 years. i apparently unpublished, in a local private In the same village the staff of eight men j collection, and generally there is no lack of working at the mill m 1919 had lengths of | ma terial illustrating the very interesting service ranging from 30 years to upwards; rec ord of the house and its estate, yet the JjJ*! diligent journalists have dragged, into their ? S t T S Were commumcated to me by descriptive appeals an allusion to Pope Mr. John James, churchwarden, who an- having visited the old Earl here (!). Cole- nually at Christmas invites the ringers to a ' r i<j g e was originally responsible for this error feast, where good fare, song and story fill (Qentlemaris Magazine, cited by Lloyd, p. up a pleasant evening. F. C. MORGAN. 49). The first Lord Mansfield was not in SUSSEX PRONUNCIATION OF PLACE-NAMES.! Pf sess j* to entertain Pope until 1755, The late Canon Isaac Taylor, in < Words! when that critic-poet had been dead eleven and Places,' traces the suffix "ham" to | V' ^ The , secon ^ Lord Mansfield was two distinct sources: first, ham, or home evidently responsible for laying out and (cf. German heim]; and, secondly, Mm, an Panting the grounds, and some years ago I enclosure, a place hemmed in. In Sussex! ^SU n th?r Se P?p s a ,! f!f r A fron L ^00 this distinction appears still to be observed!? ff William Hamilton dated Aug. 29, 1793, in the pronunciation of place-names. Some I m wmch occurs the f ^owmg allusion :- 20 or 30 years ago, when walking in West! * u le *[ **** a T Forfcni g h t we shall return to _ T J - A ' f c i iT Kenwood, where I am carrying on very extensive Sussex, I inquired of a party of labourers works . offlces now abso iutely necessary, and as the way to Pallmgham. I was at once corrected : " Pallingham," said one of them, who almost in the same sentence mentioned Stopham, which he pronounced Stahp'm. The accentuation of the final syllable is, however, a Sussex peculiarity, e.g., Etching- ham, Withyham, Ardingly, Seaforcl, &c. A rather amusing instance of this came to my notice when walking near Haywards! Lord M-i had so frequently recommended to me the Embellishment of Kenwood I resolved that they should be upon a handsome plan. This draws on an addition to the House, &c. I had naturally an aversion to Brick and mortar, but I doubt I am engaged now for life. The Improve- ments out of Doors I shall delight in, as that is a subject that in a degree at least I understand. ALECK ABRAHAMS. A SINGULAR REQUEST. The Times of Heath a few years ago. My map showed a Jan. 10, 1921 (p. 10), records that a Mr. footpath near a farm marked Sidney Farm, | S. Radges, who had recently died in the and I inquired whether one could go that I United States, paid for a twenty-year sub- way. " Yes," was the reply; " we call it j scription to his local newspaper, directing Sidnye here." F. ALBAN BARRATTD. j that a copy of it should be delivered daily at

  • 67, Tooley Street, S.E.I. the vault in which he is interred. R. B.