Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/428

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350 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 S. X. MAY 6, 1922.

Hampshire Folk-lore.—Is there a book published on the Hampshire witches and similar folk-lore? This county appears to be rich in lore of this kind, as I know my maternal grandfather used to amuse his children with numerous stories about the fairies and witches of Hampshire. They were old folk-tales which he had had told to him when a boy by his father a Hampshire yeoman. I have one or two books dealing generally with this subject, but what I want is one specializing in the folk-lore of this county, including the New Forest. Frederic Crooks.

COMPOSERS OF HYMN-TUNES. 1. Thomas Hewlett, Mus.Bac., wrote the tune ' Dal- keith ' (first tune of Hymn No. 252, ' Hymns A. & M.'). I should like to know what posts he held as organist when in Scotland. He died in 1874. Where was he buried ? Is there any memorial erected to his me- mory ? 2. John Broderip, b. 1710, d. 1785 ; organist of Wells Cathedral 1741-1774; composer of tune ' Calvary ' printed in ' British Psalmody,' 1822. Where was he buried ? 3. John Hatton, d. 1793 ; known for his tune ' Duke St.' Parentage and full par- ticulars will be welcomed. L. H. CHAMBERS. Bedford. | THE REV. GEORGE SKENE. Can any reader tell me where to find any details of the history of the Rev. George Skene, minister of St. Ninian's, Perth, about 1759 ? Was he Dean of St. Andrews ? W. H. QUARRELL. SIR RICHARD STEYNOR. Where can I see or obtain a full account of the life of this gallant gentleman ? He was distinguished for his defeat of the Spanish Plate Fleet off Cadiz, and for leading the van of the fleet under Blake, when the Spanish galleons were destroyed in the harbour of Santa Cruz. For these actions he was knighted first by Oliver Cromwell and afterwards by Charles II. A grand-nephew, Richard Steynor, died in February, 1789, in Birmingham Work- house, where he had found an asylum for the last 12 years of his life, aged 78. He was the son of Robert Steynor of Droit- wich, who was once possessed of 1,000 per annum, but engaging in a lawsuit with the Salt Company of Droitwich about a right to sink for a salt -spring upon his own freehold estate (though he emancipated his neighbours and reduced the price of salt from 2s. per bushel to 4d., whereby Government have been enabled to raise an amazing revenue), he ruined himself and his family. This, his only surviving child, was suffered to end his days in a parish work- house, where the punctual discharge of the little offices which the infirmities of old age had left him capable of performing, pro- cured him more respect than all the public services of his father and family. JAMES SETON-ANDERSON. 39, Carlisle Road, Hove, Sussex. BLAKE. Charles Blake was admitted to Westminster School Nov. 21, 1774 ; Fasham Blake Jan. 26, 1775 ; and John Blake Sept. 13, 1775. I should be glad to obtain anv information about these Blakes. G. F. R. B. BETTESWORTH. Edmund Bettesworth, son of John Bettesworth of Westminster, graduated M.A. at Oxford from Univ. Coll. in 1749 ; Edward Bettesworth was ad- mitted to Westminster School in October, 1717, aged 12 ; Robert Bettesworth was admitted to the same school in June, 1738, aged 11 ; Thomas Bettesworth, son of the Rev. Charles Bettesworth of Petworth, Sussex, matriculated at Oxford from Hart Hall in 1722. Further information about these four Bettesworths is desired. G. F. R. B. SIR WM. HENRY CLINTON, G.C.B. (1769- 1846).. Is there any portrait, whether paint- ing or print, of Sir Wm. Henry Clinton, G.C.B. (A.D.C.tothe Duke of York, 1796-9)? He was son of Sir Henry Clinton, K.B., and brother of Sir Henry Clinton, G.C.B. Nothing is known at the Print Room, British Museum, of this General. He married Louisa Holroyd, daughter of John Holroyd, first Earl of Sheffield. H. S. CANE -BOTTOMED CHAIRS. Who invented or first made cane -bottomed chairs ? E. E. C. MARTIN. Information is wanted about 1. George Martin (Marten) of Mayfield, Sussex, the celebrated papistical writer, who died 1582. 2. One Martin, of Sussex extraction, who kept the Hare and Hounds " on the outskirts of London " about 1800. 3. Marten and Martin families of Sussex and their present-day descendants. A. E. MARTEN. 13, Willowgrove Road, Leeds.