Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/383

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i2S.x.APBn.22,i922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 313 this narrative is all pure unadulterated fiction it is afforded by the letters in Moore's book, which establish beyond all doubt that from June till the end of October, 1821, Byron was almost daily writing to either Moore or Murray from Ravenna and that he moved to Pisa early in November. Unlike Sir Boyle Roche's bird, he could hardly have been in two places at one and the same time. WILLOUGHBY MAYCOCK. LINNAEUS AND THE MILE END NURSERY- MAN (12 S. x. 250). The Linnean Society of London possesses the correspondence -addressed to Linnaeus, and amongst these are six letters sent by James Gordon from 1761 to 1773, most of them advising the dispatch of plants, amongst them Thea viridi* , which Linnaeus earnestly desired to have in cultivation in the Upsala Botanic Garden, Gordon in his turn receiving living plants of Linncea borealis. These letters have not yet been printed, but they have been copied for issue in

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(Letters and Documents from and to Linnaeus) which are in course of publica- tion by the University of Upsala at the cost of the Swedish Government, in honour of 'Sweden's distinguished son. B. DAYDON JACKSON. MARY SEYMOUR: LADY BUSHELL (12 S. x. 244). I am afraid that MR. HERBERT READE'S ingenious suggestions do not very well fit with the facts. Mary Seymour was undoubtedly the daughter of Catherine Parr and not of Elizabeth. The facts were well known at the time, and not only is the birth vouched for by two Acts of Parliament, and by the circumstances of the death of Catherine Parr of puerperal fever, but there is in the Record Office a letter from the Duke of Somerset, Lord Seymour's brother, congratulating him on the birth of the child in terms which leave no doubt as to the mother, who is referred to as the Queen. There is, moreover, a mass of later correspondence relating to the child. The proximity of Cleve to Sudeley is not one of the probabilities of the case, for Sudeley was forfeited and granted away before the child was two years old, and she lived with the Dowager Duchess of Suffolk for some years. The word nipote (which is unknown to me) must have some other meaning than MR. READE attributes to it. Queen Eliza- beth could not possibly have had a grand- daughter of marriageable age so early as 1570, nor could Mary Seymour have had a daughter of marriageable age in that year ; but the nipote may very well have been Mary Seymour herself, who in that year was 22 years of age, and this clue may be worth pursuing. A. H. HASTIE. 65, Lincoln's Inn Fields. [Nipote is the Italian for nephew or niece as well as for grandson or granddaughter (cf. Latin nepos).] Mary, daughter of Lord Seymour of Sudeley, is mentioned by Collins (i. 153), who states that she " died in her infancy, after being restored in blood." Lord Sey- | mour appears to have made two attempts i to marry the Princess Elizabeth, and to have married the Queen Dowager after the failure of his first attempt. Collins says that after the death of his wife (Sept. 5, 1548) the admiral renewed his addresses to the Lady Elizabeth, but in vair ; for her right of succession to the throne depended, according to her father's will, on her marrying with the consent of his executors. This second attempt to bring about the marriage led to Lord Seymour's prosecution, and one of the charges brought against him was endeavouring to espouse the Princess Elizabeth (with whom he had carried on an intrigue too far to be exposed in a public court of justice). It seems probable, therefore, that any such daughter as is suggested by MR. READE would not have been born before 1549. There are very full pedigrees of the Bushell family in the Visitations of War- wickshire, Gloucestershire and Worcester- shire, but there is no mention of any Seymour marriage. Sir Edward Bushell of Cleve had two wives : (1) Margaret, d. of John Delves of Cottington, Cheshire ; (2) Anne, d. of Cotton Gargrave of Norffeld, Yorks. By the first wife there were five children, of whom Thomas was living in 1594. The arms of Bushell, as given in the Visitations of Warwickshire and Worcester- shire, are : Argent, a chevron between three water bougets sable, with three other quarterings. In the Visitation of Glou- cestershire they are given as Gules, a bend wavy between two plain cottises or. H. J. B. CLEMENTS. JOHN ABERCROMBIE, HORTICULTURIST (12 S. x. 273). Born 1726 ; died in London on May 2, 1806 ; buried at St. Pancras. J. ARDAGH.