Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/352

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286 NOTES AND QUERIES. r 12 s.x. APRIL is, 1022. That the last baronet, the Sir John of Burns, did not do so, a second letter from Cleghorn sufficiently shows : Cleghorn, April 20, 1790. Sir, I received your favour of the J7th en- quiring into the connection of this family with Barbara Whitefoord. About three weeks ago I xmderstood from Mr. Bertram of Nisbet your desire, and made out an extract from this family's papers, and gave it to him to send you, but if any accident or miscarriage has prevented yourreceit of it, please inform me & I will make out another Copy and send you. Sir John Whitefoord will certainly find in his family papers if any of his Predecessors bore the title of Whitefoord of that ilk or of Miltoun, as it is expressed in this family paper of mine, and likewise in the Escutcheons of this family. I think it would be proper that the paper I have sent you be communicated to Sir John, as it may help to lead his enquiries, upon the result of which I will be nappy to hear from you or Mr. Blair the rela- tions I have by that connection. I am, Dear Sir, your most obedt Servt. ALL : LOCKHART. To Robert Adlan, Esq., Sun Fire Office, Edinburgh. From which it appears that Blaquhan himself was seeking information as to the bearers of the name of Whitefoord ; and now, as then, anything more than is to be found in the works mentioned above must come from imprinted records. A. T. M. JUDGE JEFFREYS AND SHAKESPEARE : LADY IVY. I cannot say I have searched the Shakespeare allusion books, but the following evidence that the great Judge Jeffreys had read 'I. Henry IV.' seems likely to have escaped notice. In the Lady Ivy's trial for great part of Shadwell, 1684 (' State Trials,' 8vo. ed., x. 570), we read : L. C. J. : Ask him what questions you will ; but if he should swear as long as Sir John Falstaff fought, I would never believe a word he says. A propos of which I should be very grate- ful for information as to what became of the Lady Ivy, against whom, after this trial, an information for forgery was issued. The ' State Trials ' are silent on this point. M. R. JAMES. EARLY FIRE-ENGINES. In The Balkan News, Salonica, Wednesday, Aug. 22, 1917, is an account of the great fire which broke out there on Saturday, Aug. 18. The writer, H. C. Owen, states : To combat the fire in this quarter were a few ancient boxes misnamed fire-engines, worked by handles, one of them marked " Sun Fire Offic^, ] 710," and it must certainly have been the original model. The writer is correct in that it was an early engine, as this company was, I think, founded in 1710. I do not think that there would be much difficulty in obtaining from the office of the company a note stating to whom the engine was first delivered. Many years ago I had one of the old metal house badges, with number below. The company told me it was issued on a certain date in, I think, the middle of the eighteenth century to a certain person. H. SOUTH AM. Loxley House, Woking. RACING STABLE TERMS. Some years ago when living at the famous Hambleton (Yorks) training stables (and later at Middleham) I compiled a list of technical terms. I came across this the other day and thought the following of sufficient interest to preserve by insertion in ' N. & Q.' : ASKING THE QUESTION. A trial of speed and staying powers in which all (or certain) of the horses taking part in the gallop are really " asked " what they can do. A trial, the result of which will be seriously noted, as contradistinctiye to a mere " rough up " gallop, which is only to a certain extent a guide to the trainer as to the respective merits of the horses under his charge. COSH. The training stable (and jockey's) term for any stick, whip, or cane carried on horse- back. DOLLS. Hurdles placed across certain gallops to close them to horses and horsemen for a time ; or hurdles used to mark certain turns on a course or on " gallops " (i.e., training grounds). Correct pronunciation doles. DONE UP. The conclusion of " stable time," when the horses have been " bedded down," the straw at the edges plaited and " set fair." To be " done up " is to be ready for the head lad to come round after feeding and lock the boxes up. FIRST LOT, SECOND LOT, AND so ON. The string of horses taken out before breakfast (the first string) is called " the first lot," and so on. GOOD T ING. A racing certainty which cer- tainties, when they fail to materialize, are referred to as " a good thing come undone." HALF-SPEED GALLOP. A gallop in which horses are not " fully extended." Training " work " which is faster than an ordinary canter. JADY. A horse which is not necessarily a " slug " but is " humoury " (not to be confused with "humours"), and liable to "go off" after reaching the top of its form. A moody animal, one which at times does not " go into its bit " and requires urging on (riding with the hands or giving a reminder or two with the "cosh"). Shakespeare us^s this word, as do most of the old writers on horse manage- ment.