Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/308

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250 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 S.X.APRIL 1,1022. FRANCES CALDEBON DE LA BABCA (ne'e INGLIS). -I would like to know the family history of Frances Erskine Inglis, of Scotland, who married, in 1837, Angel Calderon de la Barca, then Spanish Minister to the United States. She is the author of ' Life in Mexico,' published anonymously by Chapman and Hall in 1843, and edited by the historian, William H. Prescott, to whom many of the letters were written. It is still a valuable and extremely readable account of the Mexican Republic in 1839-42. WOBTHINGTON C. FORD. 1,154, Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. " SOUTHAM CYDEB " (see * Copy of Recipe,' 8 S. viii. 9, 76). B. S. gives the recipe for making " Lord Pembroke's Port," in which a hogshead contains 42 gallons of " Southam Cyder," costing Is. a gallon ; the " prices were taken in the year 1736." He does not appear to have received any reply to his question, " What was the cider described as ' Southam ' as well as can be de- ciphered ? " I have never been able to ascertain what this cider was, and where it was made. It is not likely, in those days, that cider was taken in large quantities (from any place a long distance from London) to London, unless some person having a cider orchard had also some means of retailing it in the city and neighbourhood. Josiah Southam, " Citizen and Distiller of London," son of a brother of a direct ancestor of mine, had a distillery, I believe, in Smithfield. He was born in Warwickshire in 1705 and died in 1737, possessed of " real estate " at Ilmington, Co. Warwick. He lived in the parish of St. Sepulchre, London. A brass lozenge on the south wall of St. Mary's at Warwick still commemorates the death of his sister Sarah in 1724. It is possible that Josiah Southam may have had cider orchards at Ilmington, and that he sold the product in connexion with his business. Mr. W. J. Pink, in his * History of Clerken- well' (1881), p. 415, states re 'The New River,' a poem by W. Garbett (about 1725 ?), " The author describes the music house" (? Sadler's Wells). In the poem there is the following line: Such as neat Brandy, Southam Cyder fine. I do not think that the cider was produced at Southam, Co. Warwick ; and the above line of poetry points to a local sale. From 1666 to 1725 there are entries of the name of Southam in the registers of St. James's, Clerkenwell. I cannot connect these people with the Josiah named above. I shall be glad if any light can be thrown on the subject. HEBBEBT SOUTHAM. LlNNJEUS AND THE MlLE END NUBSEBY- MAN. -James Gordon, thp nurseryman of Mile End, died 1780, after whom the well- known botanical genus Gordonia was named in 1770, is said to have been a " frequent correspondent of Linnaeus." Have his letters to Linnaeus been published ? I know the references to Gordon in Wesley's ' Journal ' and in Ly son's ' Environs.' J. M. BULLOCH. KATHABINE BUCKEBIDGE OF IPSDEN, OXON, RECUSANT. -In the Recusant Rolls No. 1, Mich., 1592/3, published by the Catho- lic Record Society, occurs the above name, but is misprinted Backeridge. In the will of John Braybrooke of Sutton Courtenay, gent., dated Sept. 12, 1588, Arch. Berks, she is mentioned as Katharine Buckeridge, daughter of Martha, but as 1 quote from a printed copy I cannot say whether Martha bore the name of Buckeridge as well. The Braybrookes were well known as recusants, and the brother of the above John, James of Brightwalton, Berks, married Martha, daughter of John Yate of Lyford, and they also married into the Eyston family, another well-known Catholic family. The Buckeridges at Ipsden were Richard, who died 1617, and his sons, George, Ralph, Deodatus, Richard, Thomas, William and John. Katharine could not have been the wife of any one of the first three, but possibly may have been the wife of one of the other sons. The only other Katharine Buckeridge at this period was the widow of John of Basildon. She was a daughter of Thomas Pleydall of Shriven- ham, but his wife, according to the pedigrees, was Ann, daughter of Thomas Higgs of Cheltenham, neither do the Pleydalls occur as recusants. I should be obliged by any help in identifying the above. A. STEPHENS DYEB. 207, Kingston Road, Teddington. HENBY WHITE'S DIABIES. -Is there any record as to the present ownership of the Rev. Henry White's (of Fyfield, Hants) Diaries, 1780 to 1784, referred to in the Rev. R. H. Clutterbuck's book on ' The Parishes of Fyfield, Kimpton, Penton Mewsey, &c.' ? ABTHUB TAPP.