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NOTES AND QUERIES: & JHebtum of intercommunication FOB LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. "When found, make a note of." CAPTAIN CUTTLE. No. 207. RSE-] APRIL 1, 1922. xforb THE GOVERNMENT OP INDIA. A brief Historical Survey of Parliamentary Legislation re- lating to India. By Sir COURTENAY ILBERT. 8vo. 10s. 6d. net. A reprint, revised and brought up to date, of the Historical Introduction forming the first part of the book entitled '1 he Government of India, 3rd Edition, 1915. A HISTORY OF FRANCE. From the death of Louis XI. By JOHN S. BRIDGE. Vol. I. : The Reign of Charles VIII. ; The Regency of Anne de Beaujeu, 1483-1493. 8vo. 16s. net. A detailed study of a period of the History of France which has been little worked upon. Other volumes are to follow. CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, 1840-91. Selections from the Correspon- dence of the Right Honourable Sir John Alexander Macdonald, First Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada, made by his literary executor, Sir JOSEPH POPE. 8vo. 21s. net. The letters cover a long and eventful life, a career that was connected with the days of Canada in the making. Letters from and to the first six Governors-General, colleagues, and public men of all sorts, throw light upon such matters as the Confederation, the acquisition of the North- West, the History of the Intercolonial and Cana- dian Pacific Railways, the Kiel uprisings, the Washington Treaty of 1871, and various Fisheries Negotiations with the United States. The volume is invaluable as a source book for the period between 1840 and 1890 ; but is scarcely less valuable as a portrait of a great man. LIFE AND LETTERS OF SIR WILFRID LAURIER. By OSCAR DOUGLAS SKELTON. Illustrated with photographs. 8vo, Two volumes. 42s. net. ARABIA. By D. G. HOGARTH. Crown 8vo. With Map. 7s. 6d. net. A history of Arabia " from our earliest knowledge down to the entry of Arabs into the Great War." (Histories and Policies of the Nations.) HISTORIC HOUSES OF SOUTH AFRICA. By DOROTHEA F AIRBRIDGE. With a Preface by General J. C. SMUTS. Royal 4fco, with 10 coloured plates after oil paintings by GWELO GOODMAN, 181 illustrations in half tone and collotype, and 33 figures in the text. 63s. net. " This book . . . may help to carry across the seas something of the spirit of South Africa, so that our sister nations may know the beauty that lies in her old homesteads and the charm that lingers in her vine- covered stoeps and in the villages set about with orchards." From the Preface by General Smuts. THE EVOLUTION OF MODERN MEDICINE. A Sen ,s of Lectures delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation in April, 1913. By SIR WILLIAM OSLER. Royal 8vo, with 108 illustrations. 25s. net. Composed for a lay audience and for popular consumption. SOME ACCOUNT OF THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1468-1921. Historical Sketch ; The Press to-day ; The Press Abroad ; Oxford Books. Small 4to. Paper boards, cloth back. 5s. net. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. HUMPHREY MILFORD, LONDON, E*C4. Ill