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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ 12 S.X.MA*. 18,1022. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS The New Shakespeare. Edited by Sir ARTHUR QUILLER-COUCH and JOHN DOVER WILSON. The fourth volume, Measure for Measure is now ready. Cloth, 7s net. Leather, 10s 6d net.

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glosses to their sources in previous collections or in the works from which they were originally extracted, by the condensed notes at the bottom of the pages and the fuller comments on special points at one end of the text, Professor Lindsay has pei formed a service for vhich both Latin and Anglo-Saxon scholars will long owe him a debt of gratitude." The Times Literary Supplement. Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4 : C. F. Clay, Manager Printed and Published by THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED, Printing House Square, London, E.O.4. March 18, 1922.