Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/269

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IIS.X.MAB.IS.IUI.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 219 the histories of Essex), is a manor in the parish of East Horndon, held for many centuries by the Tyrell family. I have referred to my copies of Salmon, Morant, Wright and other histories of Essex, also to my MS. notes, &c., but find no mention of the name Ewen in connexion with East Horndon. WILLIAM GILBERT, M.S. A. CADBY (12 S. x. 168). The following ex- tracts are from The Illustrated London News : 1. Mr. Cadby, Mr. Hopkinson, and Messrs. Oetzmann and Plumb exhibit various grand and cottage pianos (June 14, 1862). 2. In the East Dome a performance by Mr. Barnett on Cadby's piano (July 12, 1862). 3. In conjunction with a performance on Cadby's pianoforte there is some very pleasing, and indeed skilful playing on the concertina by the Misses Lachenal (Sept. 6, 1862). The reference in each case is, of course, to the International Exhibition. F. H. C. Cadby was a manufacturer of pianos who made a considerable fortune in the business, very largely by making for the trade. That is, he made the pianos and smaller dealers and retailers had their names marked on them. Cadby Hall was built for a showroom, but I believe this was after the death of Cadby. I remember calling, when I was a little boy, some 50 years or more ago, with my father, on Mr. Cadby, who lived in a fine old-fashioned house with a large garden full of fruit, at Margate. This was just before his death. W. B. S. AMERICAN HUMORISTS : CAPT. G. H. DERBY (12 S. ix. 353, 394, 491, 535 ; x. 154). MR. GEORGE MERRYWEATHER'S explanation of the supposed error of title to the frontis- piece portrait of Washington in the first edition (1865) of the ' Squibob Papers' is quite reasonable and possibly correct, but it is difficult to understand how it is further described in the list of illustrations to the book as 'Portrait of G. Washington.' I am familiar with an engraved portrait of General Washington, published in 1818, at the Shakespeare Press at Wigan, and pre- sented with an early part of a 'History of America,' as well as with earlier portraits. To none of these does the Squibob "por- trait " bear any resemblance. My copy of the ' Papers ' bears the signature of a former owner, " G. L. Cain, New Orleans," and from the similarity of the handwriting this person appears to have corrected the title of the " side elevation " portrait by writing the name " Butler " (a commander of the Federal Army during the Civil War, 1860-4) over that of Washington. I can understand General Butler as a fitting subject for caricature, but not Washington. X. T. R. COLONEL GORDON, R.E., IN THE CRIMEA (12 S. x. 169). The Colonel Gordon whose portrait is in the ' Series of Historical Portraits photographed in the Crimea, 1855,' by Roger Fenton, would be Sir John William Gordon (1805-1870), who on the outbreak of the Crimean War was at once sent there, was present at the Battles of Alma and Inkermann, and was director of the right attack during the early days of the siege. A month after the siege commenced, owing to several casualties, Gordon was made C.R.E., and held this position until the arrival of Sir Harry Jones. He was particu- larly well known, and " Gordon of Gordon's Battery " was a name known wherever an English newspaper penetrated. ARCHIBALD SPARSE. ENGLISH WRITERS (12 S. ix. 371). James Greenwood, " The Amateur Casual." Though a very old man a nonagenarian, I believe he was still alive in a " home " a few weeks ago, and subsisting on little more than an old age pension and the charity of a few faithful friends. WlLLOUGHBY MAYCOCK. SAVERY FAMILY BOOKPLATES (12 S. x. 131). The wife of Charles Savery was Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Edwards Butler of Caerleon. They were married June 1, 1819 (Cambrian). The Butler family were resident at Caerleon for many years and were maltsters. John Butler, grandfather of Andrew Edwards Butler, made his will May 31, 1768. A son of Charles Savery and Elizabeth was the late Almericus Blakeney Savery of Monmouth, a magistrate for the county and formerly a captain in the R. Monmouthshire Militia. J. B. "TlME WITH A GIFT OF TEARS " (12 S. x. 18, 54, 96). Swinburne certainly did not correct his work to any great extent after it was first written, but I have MSS. of his that show that he did correct and make additions, and he frequently altered his poems when they were reprinted. W. B. S.