Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/257

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12B.X.MAB.18.1.M.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 207 arid .even before leaving England had stated his conviction of not surviving the effects of the West Indies. On arriving at Jamaica I placed this patient with the preceding, under the care of Dr. Linton in hospital whither this case also termi- nated fatally on the 4th evening after admission. Their remains lie beside those of 3 other Naval Medical Officers amid the white sands of the Palisades at Jamaica viz., Dr. Scott of the " Cornwallis " [entered Feb. 19, 1837, d. Dec. 30, 1838, at Port Royal], Mr. Robertson of the Hospital, and Mr. [Adam] Drysdale Asst. Surgn. of the " Dee " [entered Feb. 27, 1838, discharged Dec. 19, 1838, H.M.S. Tartarus, but no date of death found], falling victims within a few weeks of each other. Some years ago fever was very destructive in this island [Barbadoes] and in 1816 many Officers and men of the 2nd or Queen's Royal Regt. " after a series of meritorious services under the Duke of Wellington in almost every quarter of the globe," fell victims to its ravages, and which called forth from Col. Vernon Graham the follow- ing beautiful inscription to their memory. BRAVE MEN 1 Ye deserved a brighter field Yet shall the pale rose shed its dew UpOn your untimely grave And memory cherish your contemplation With no less dignity That you fell before an Almighty hand ! MORRIS PRITCHETT, Asst. Surgn. 2. THE 2ND, OB QUEEN'S ROYAL REGIMENT. According to the Casualty Returns of the 2nd Queen's, between March 25, 1816, and April 24, 1817, they lost 112 men and 10 officers in Barbadoes. Lieut. -Colonel H. C. E. Vernon Graham was in command. The names of the deceased officers were as follows : Lieut. Wm. Gray 7 Nov. 1816. Lieut. Dun. McDougall 22 Asst. Surg. John Prendergast 5 Dec. Lieut, and Adjt. Jas. Spencer 10 Ensign And. Richmond 13 Lieut. Wm. Clutterbuck 13 Lieut. John Ballan. Norman 20 Capt. John Gordon 22 Lieut. Chas. Grant 8 Feb. 1817. Lieut. Isaac Barrington Perrin 17 April ,, E. H. FAIBBBOTHEB. THE STEAM PACKET HOTEL, LOWEB THAMES STBEET. This quondam hotel but in all the years of living memories public -house has been recently demolished. Its passing was probably occasioned by subsidences due to excavations on the site opposite, i.e., west of St. Magnus Church and east of London Bridge. But apart from the appearance of the house its passing is worth recording, as its name suggests much of interest. The steam packets have, in the biblio- graphy of London, a literature of their own. One of the earliest, ' The Steam- boat Companion,' published by Thomas Hughes, 1823, had to preface its informa- tion with an extract from the " Minutes of Evidence before the Select Committee of the House of Commons respecting the safety and utility of steam packets ; taken by Sir Richard Parnall, Bart., March 21st, 1822," to reassure prospective travellers. The reform was successful ; the sailing hoy was displaced, as later the steamer drove away the steam packet. But the high -noon of this last-named was not until the forties and fifties, while this hotel came into existence with the neighbouring Adelaide Hotel,- and, while long outliving its intended purpose, gained the immortality of being the most lasting memorial of the steam packet. ALECK ABBAHAMS. THE SOCIAL EIGHTEENTH CENTUBY. Much can be gathered respecting the habits and customs of the London community in the eighteenth century from the first records of the London Hospital, to say nothing of the other charitable and philan- thropic agencies which sprang up in the metropolis in this period of the national history. A large proportion of City business, and a still larger proportion of citizen politics and philanthropy, flourished in inns and taverns. It was so with the little assembly -a mere "round table" at The Feathers, Cheapside which on Sept. 23, 1740, decided to lease the intended (London) Infirmary in Featherstone Street, " near the Dog Bar," for 16 per annum, and to open on the first Monday in Novem- ber of the same year. By January, 1741, the " Infirmary " had got well to work, and the House Committee sat weekly at various dining taverns, although " The Crown Tavern, behind the Royal Exchange," and "The Crown Tavern, Whitechapel Bars," were specially favoured houses. By the by, among the first presentation of gifts in kind to the London Infirmary was Mr. Gascoigne's water-butt, but for a cen- tury and three-quarters " the Trade " has not taken the hint and has vigorously supported the Charringtons, the Hanburys, the Buxtons, the Paulins, the Wigrams and many other brewers and distillers in their munificent donations to the now great institution which stands in the Whitechapel Road. For, in 1747, the London Infirmary became the London Hospital, and in 1759