Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/187

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12 S. X. FEB. 25, 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 149

London in 1811 and later years. The Boston portrait having been left in an unfinished state, it may perhaps have been painted in Rome, because Coleridge's stay in that city ended somewhat abruptly.

In the same Gallery there is a portrait of Dickens by Francis Alexander. The record of this picture is clear, for it was painted in 1842 at the Tremont House on Dickens's first visit to Boston. It is reproduced in W. Glyde Wilkins's 'Charles Dickens in America,' but with a loss of the strong character of the features. E. Basil Lupton.

10, Humboldt Street, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.

"Scooter."—Everyone now knows this toy, which, however, is not mentioned as such in the 'N.E.D.' or in the 'Concise Oxford Dictionary.' This latter authority has:—

Scoot, v.i. (slang). Bun, dart, make off [var. of shoot].

Possibly, however, the noun may be connected with scout, not shoot. Prior, in 'An Epistle to Fleetwood Shepherd, Esq.,' wrote:—

For as young children, who are tried in
Go-carts, to keep their steps from sliding,
When members knit, and legs go stronger,
Make use of such machine no longer;
But leap pro libitu, and scout
On horse called hobby, or without; &c.

I am not a philologist so write with diffidence. John B. Wainewright.


We must request correspondents desiring information on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

" MAYOB " AS A WOMAN'S TITLE. When the head or chief officer of the municipal corporation of a city or borough is a woman, what is her correct title ? She is usually styled "the Mayor" and "Her Worship the Mayor." Is this correct ? The ' N.E.D., defines the word " mayoress " as " the wife of a mayor," but gives as a nonce-word " a woman holding the office of a mayor." The reference, however, is American, the word occurring in The North American Review of September, 1895 : " When women shall have become . . . mayoresses or alderwomen." Now that women have at- tained to those positions, is there any record of a woman holding the office of a mayor being styled " Mayoress." If not, and if the common use of the word " mayor " for a woman is right, why not " king " for a woman ruler ? The Princess Mary is reported to have addressed the " Lady Mayor " (so styled in the Press) of Chelten- ham as " Mr. Mayor " when receiving a deputation on Feb. 10, 1922. F. H. C. AUCHEB : DEPEDENE. Can any reader tell me if the following genealogical particu- lars are correct, or add to them in any way ? Richard de Depedene, temp. Edw. II. and III., held half a knight's fee of the Auchers of High Laver and Copt Hall, Essex ; Fisherton Anger, Wilts, &c. This Richard probably came from Depden in Suffolk ( Burke' s ' Armory ' names it as their county), and his s. and h., John de Depedene, Knight of the Shire for Essex (1352), married Elizabeth FitzAucher, one of the daughters of Sir Aucher FitzAucher, who had been summoned to Parliament, 1309, as Lord FitzHenry. John de Depedene subsequently acquired High Laver and all the Yorkshire estates, including Tibthorpe, Eastburn, and Torpe Arches, from his brother-in-law, Sir Henry FitzAucher, and assumed the Aucher arms. The s. and h. of the aforesaid marriage, Sir John Depedene, married Elizabeth, dau. and h. (widow of Sir William Nevill) of Sir Stephen Walleys, himself s. and h. of Lord Walleys. The s. and h. of this marriage, another Sir John Depedene (whose seal quartering Walleys with Aucher is extant ; see Yorks. Arch. Journal, vol. xiii.), died s.p. 1402. These arms, with the additional quartering of Loring, were subsequently quartered by the Lords Wharton of Wharton, probably through descent from a sister and heir or coh. of the last Sir John Depedene. Can any reader give me particulars of Sir John's heirs and say how the Whartons came to quarter Aucher and Walleys ? C. J. BRUCE ANGIEB. SIB RAUPH AND SIB EDWARD BASHE : ANNE SCOT (nee BASHE). Sir Ralph was one of the Knights of the Bath at Charles II. 's Coronation, and Sir Edward was knighted in 1691. The former married Anne, sister of Sir Thomas Skipwith, Bt., of Gosberton, Lincoln, and Sir Edward Bashe married Anne Wade. One of them was the mother of Anne Bashe (third wife of Thomas Scot the regicide), concerning whom and her children I am anxious for any information. Anne