Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/171

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12 S. X. FEB. 18, 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 137

Baron Grant (12 S. x. 31, 75, 115).—The lines in question were written by my father, the late Mr. John Hill (who was a member of the Stock Exchange), on the morning on which the daily papers announced that the King of Italy had conferred the title of Baron upon Grant. There were two lines only:—

Kings can a title give, but honour can't.
Rank without honour is a barren grant.

He handed them to a friend (Mr. John Renton) in "the House" and in an hour or two they were all over London.

I have received the following version of the Leicester Square lines:—

What! Flowers in Leicester Square? These flowers of Grant's
Are but the products of his City plants.
The shade by which he hopes to gain our praise
Reveals, alas, the donor's shady ways.
What can he hope to gain from this affair
Save to connect his name with something square?

I think these were taken from 'House Scraps,' by Geo. D. Atkin (1887)—the "House" in question being the Stock Exchange. Leonard Hill.


  • 91). The following information may be

useful : 6. William Bedingfield. Was not the poem ' Beauty ' attributed to this poet written by Anderson ? 8. Henry Carey, born 1690, died 1743. He is believed to have been the illegitimate son of George Savile, Marquis of Halifax < 1633-95), who was the chief opponent of the Bill excluding the Duke of York from the succession, and was made Marquis and Lord Privy Seal (1682-5). Carey's first volume of poems appeared in 1713 ; others In 1720 and 1729. He wrote farces, bur- lesques and dramatic pieces, frequently with the accompanying music. His best- known poem is ' Sally in our Alley.' It was once claimed for him that he was the author and composer of ' God Save the King.' 10. The Hon. Mary Molesworth, daughter of Robert, first Viscount Molesworth, by Letitia, third daughter of Richard Coote, Lord Colooney, married George, eldest son of Henry Monck by his wife Sarah, daughter and heir of Sir Thomas Stanley of Grange Gorman, near Dublin. The dates of birth and marriage are not given in Burke. 14. Richard Lely. Was he the Richard Lely of Greetwell Hall, Co. Lincoln, de- scribed in his epitaph in Greetwell Church as " Petri Lely, Car. II., Pictoris, Nepos Natu-maximus," who died in. 1735 without surviving issue. JAMES SETON-ANDERSON. 39, Carlisle Road, Hove, Sussex. 15. Henrietta Knight, nee St. John, Lady Luxborough. She was born on "St. Swithin's Day," July 15, 1699, and died March 26, 1756. In confirmation, see ' Letters written by the late Right Honourable Lady Luxborough to William Shenstone, Esq.,' published in 1775. Letter Ixx., dated Barrells, Wednesday, July 10, 1751, gives : Why should you not come and celebrate St. Swithin's Day with me ? Your company will make me regard the day which gave me birth with much more pleasure than the circumstance of its having first shewn me the light : for what is light, or any other blessing, without social friends ? And ' Notices of the Churches of Warwick- shire, Deanery of Warwick,' vol. i., p. 144 (Ullenhall) : On the south side of the east window is a tablet. Arms, Knight impaling St. John, with the fol- lowing inscription : " In the vault of this chancel lie the remains of Baroness Luxborough, B. 15th July, 1699, D. 26th March, 1756." RICHARD SAVAGE. Stratford-upon-Avon. 16. Moses Mendez. The date of this minor poet's birth does not seem to be known, as it is not given in an exhaustive paper on Mendez by Mr. J. P. Simpson, published in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, vol. xviii. 104-109 (1905), and describing a volume containing poems, translations and letters of Mendez, of whom it is re- marked that if h3 had been a poorer man he might have been a greater poet. W. B. H. 17. Mary Masters. At 10 S. iii. 404, 405, the late W. P. COURTNEY con- tributed a column and three-quarters on Mary Masters. He there pointed out that Croker's statement in a note to Boswell's ' Johnson ' (under the year 1752), " She is supposed to have died about 1759," was probably based on a notice in The Gentle- man's Magazine for that year of the death of a Mrs. Masters at Brook, in Kent, on Sept. 27. MR. COURTNEY refers to Samuel Pegge's ' Anonymiana,' 1818 ed., cent, ix. 89, where Mrs. Masters, the poetess, is said to have died in June, 1771. She had lived at Pegge's Rectory, Whittington, Derbyshire, from 1755 to April, 1757, " when,