Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/113

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12 S. X. FEB. 4, 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 87 slso (in the speech of Theophilus prompted | toy the laughter of the invisible Harpax) j " What is't the dog grins at so ? " with Caesar's " Dogs, do you grin ? " in ' Roman Actor,' III. ii. The style of the greater portion is, how- ever, eloquent of Dekker's authorship, and the metrical evidence is confirmed by the ! inversions " Some angel hath me fed " and i " Me hast thou lost," both in speeches of Theophilus. Scene ii. This (all verse) is Massinger's. Parallels re numerous : 1. Maximinus : Were you deformed, Your gravity and discretion would o'erconie me ; And I should be more proud to be a prisoner To your fair virtues, &c. Compare : AVr- she deform'd, "The virtues of her mind would force a stoic To sue to be her servant. (' Bondman,' I. iii.) "Were she deform'd, Yet, being the duchess, I stand bound to serve her. (' Duke of Milan, I. ii.) 2. Artemia : ... although he turned Apostata in death. Compare : Tn death to turn apostata ! (' Renegade, IV. iii.) 3. Theophilus : And Dorothea but hereafter named, You will ... no more . . . remember What the canonized Spartan ladies were, Which lying Greece so boasts of. . . . . . . Gracchus' Cornelia, Paulina, that in death desired to follow Her husband Seneca, nor Brutus' Portia, Though all their several worths were given to one, With this is to be mentioned. Compare : . . . borrow of Times past, and let imagination help, Of those canonized ladies Sparta boasts of . . . yet still you must confess Tin- phcenix of perfection ne'er was seen, But in my fair Marcelia. (' Duke of Milan, I. iii.) . . . the mother Df the Gracchi, grave Cornelia, Rome still boasts of, The wise Pulcheria but named, must be Jso more remember' d. (' Emperor of the East,' I. i.) -4. Theophilus : With choice celestial music, equal to The motion of the spheres. Compare : With music more harmonious than the spheres Yield in their heavenly motion. (' Bondman,' IV. iii.) Theophilus: . . . belched out bias-, phemous words. Compare : . . . belch forth blasphemies. (' Believe As You List,' I. ii.) . . . belch' d out blasphemy. (' The False One ' (M. & F.), V. iii.) 6. Diocletian : Thou twice a child ! for doting age so makes thee, Thou couldst not else, thy pilgrimage of life Being almost passed through, in the last moment Destroy whate'er thou hast done good or great Thy youth did promise much ; and, grown a man, Thou mad'st it good, and, with increase of years, Thy actions still bettered as the sun, Thou did'st rise gloriously, kept'st a constant course In all thy journey ; and now, in the evening, When thou should 'st pass w r ith honour to thy rest, Wilt thou fall like a meteor ? Compare : An old man's twice a child. (' Bashful Lover,' III. i.) If doting age could let you but remember. (' Duke of Milan,' II. i.) But now I find you less than a man, Less than a common man, and end that race You have so long run strongly, like a child, For such a one old age or honour's surfeits Again have made you. (' Bamavelt,' I. i., Bullen,' Old Plays,' ii. 211.) I much grieve, After so many brave and high achievements, He should in one ill forfeit all the good He ever did his country. (' Unnatural Combat,' I. i.) I, that have stood The shock of fierce temptations. . . . To draw my bark of chastity (that with wonder Hath kept a constant and an honour'd course) Into the gulf of a deserved ill-fame Now fall unpitied ; and, in a moment, With mine own hands, dig up a grave to bury The monumental heap of all my years Employ'd in noble actions. (' Renegade,' II. i.) . .. . shall I then, Now in the sun-set of my day of honour, When I should pass with glory to my rest, &c. (' Barnavelt,' Bullen, ii. 210). 7. Sapritius : Confess . . . that thy tongue and heart Had no agreement. Compare : But what assurance . . . may I demand That may secure me that your heart and tongue Join to make harmony ? (' Unnatural Combat,' III. iv.) 8. Theophilus : In mine own house there are a thousand engines Of studied cruelty, which I did prepare For miserable Christians ; let me feel, As the Sicilian did his brazen bull, The horrid 'st you can find. "Studied cruelty" occurs again in 'The Bondman,' III. v., and compare " studied torments " (' Roman Actor,' I. ii. ; ' Duke of Milan,' III. iii.), and " studied tortures '