Page:New observations on inoculation - Angelo Gatti.djvu/92

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served, that one of these had near two hundred pustules; and three of the others only seven among them.

Except three purges at the decline of the disease, and what was considered as preparatory, none of these thirty-one persons took any medicine during the course of it.

November 1, fourteen boys and nine girls were inoculated under the same continuance of vegetable diet, and abstinence from animal food as the former. Those before mentioned were inoculated with variolous matter, in its thin or ichorous state, from the pustules of the natural small-pox: but these were infected with purulent matter taken from the pustule of the inoculated small-pox. Of these, four boys and four girls took each of them thrice, as in the former inoculation, four grains of calomel without any addition: as it might be presumed that in the former manner of giving it, this mercurial preparation had not its full effect, on account of its being joined with, and carried off hastily by, a purging medicine; it was therefore left to itself, and it generally went off gently by stool. Each of these eight had variolous pustules. Three of the girls and one of the boys had a sickness and slight head-ach before the eruption; the last, during this sickness, voided five worms by stool. The number of pustules among the eight amounted to five hundred and seventy-six, viz. seventy-two to each. Of these, one girl had four hundred and forty pustules; but she was no otherwise disordered during the whole illness, than with a flight head-
