Page:New observations on inoculation - Angelo Gatti.djvu/21

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rience in the art of inoculating. They alone are capable of forming a true judgment and estimation of my assertions, and can induce the public to adopt my practice. In medical matters, the generality of mankind think not from themselves, but from physicians; and the method which I propose will not be regarded, unless authorized and adopted by them.

But how can I hope for their approbation? My notions seem totally different from those which are commonly received; my rules directly opposite to those which have hitherto been laid down; and, in one word, my aim is to prove that we should think the contrary of what has been thought, and do the reverse of what has been done.

Ever since inoculation has been received in Europe, the practitioners have been of opinion that the essential advantages of the artificial over the natural small-pox were, 1. the preparation; 2. the discharge of the variolous matter by means of the wounds; and 3. the assistance of art in a disorder which is known as soon as it appears.

In opposition to these principles, I shall attempt to prove, that these three pretended advantages have hitherto been so many bars to the perfection of the method, and the source of almost all the miscarriages which have retarded its establishment.

All inoculators have said, prepare your subjects; procure an outlet to the venom; be at-

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