Page:New observations on inoculation - Angelo Gatti.djvu/110

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have been turgid or inflamed, when no plaster has been applied. This was done, in order to ascertain the reality of the variolous poison having exerted ail its power. In no one instance, within my cognisance, a subsequent eruption has ever happened; nor have the punctures the second time put on the appearance they did at first; but have always healed as such slight punctures usually do, when no variolous matter has been inserted.

Notwithstanding what I have before advanced, I am no advocate for very early inoculation, where the contagion may be in great measure avoided, as in country places. I do not recommend it, until the body has acquired a certain degree of strength, and the disorders attending infancy are over. When I say this, it well known, that numbers have been inoculated successfully in the earliest time of their lives; but it is likewise as well known, that several have died at that period, where great attention has been paid to them, and no medical assistance been wanting. I therefore in this state never, advise it, except in cases where there high probability of the infants receiving it by contagion; and I am of opinion, as has been already mentioned, that inoculation at any time carries with it more security than having the small-pox by natural contagion. A few months since, where a child of three years old had the natural small-pox in a severe manner, there was an infant of only seven weeks old. This the parents refused to remove out of the house, though I much pressed them to it. They were determined, that this infant should take its chance
