Page:New observations on inoculation - Angelo Gatti.djvu/107

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heated liquors, particularly in the inflammatory state of the disease. These, to me, appear the principal points. The boasted effects of the medical nostrums of several inoculators, at however an extravagant price the possessors may rate them, are, in my opinion, very little to be regarded. The preceding histories bear testimony that much is not wanted; and if these are not deemed sufficiently numerous, we have many hundreds more to produce in corroboration of that testimony. It is well known that no persons place much value upon nostrums in physic, except those, whose knowledge in medical matters lies in a very small compass. The most valuable nostrum of all, I apprehend, is not to do too much: and I say this from the conviction I have, of the mischiefs I have seen, and believed to be owing to the effect of mercurials, and too frequent preparatory and other purgings, administered too liberally by some inoculators, in delicate habits. These, therefore, a prudent practitioner may avoid, and direct those medicines only, the utility of which experience has justified.

I hold it as a truth, and I am not singular in my opinion, that inoculation, practised by any person whatever, in any manner yet devised, and any time, carries with it, in general, less danger to the patient than the natural small pox, under the direction of the most able and experienced physician. Whatever, therefore, can contribute to the perfection of this salutary practice, deserves the most serious enquiry. What has been the result of my experience,

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