Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/542

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]?o?A?,.l NATVlaA/, maToar. 517 also ?wo 's?es of Kenu?ia ?nus n?rly ?lated ? ?ssi2? ori?n?ly dis?v? on �e southern sho?s of lus?ia, is ubund?t on ? i?d o? ?e West Coast. Upou ?e Nor?-w?t Coas? ?gcularly in the p?llers of 14 � 1? �?, where an exotic feature 0f the usual characMgstic of the Flora of o?er countflea might in this . case be so ?) is as manifes? and is ? s?ngly blended ?t ?e pure Aus?llau ch?ac?r {Eu?s ?d A?cla) in i? ?neral ve?tagon, sho?s; Jacksonla and Gompholoblum, gene? of Papillo- nacem, wi? distinct s?mens, ?most !imi?d of Po? Jack?n and ?e Davi?ia, ?most who? ?Ui? ? ?e h?er Austria' la6?des, hu been ?ked ou ?e No? ?t. Of men?cem, Bauhinla, Cmsayhia, ?d ?e emi?ut ?uus Guilandina, ?e all of intra?opi? e?s?nce in New Sou? W?es, as ? u?n ?e Norih-w?t ?o?t; but C?iu, ?ough it h? au ?u? expire ? in ?e ?ui?ti? p?s.of New Ho!l?d, h? ?so ?u r?ngy ?ed as hr. in ?e inMrior, on the ?allel dian of ] 46 �?aORBIACEL--%e Herb?ium ?n?ns thi?y-?ree plun? of ?is ve? numerous order, wh? m?imum ?em8 d?idedly to exist in India ?d whole ?f ?e Aus?l? s?ies ?e ?fe?ble to establish? ?nue? ?ne?, of which C?n ?d Pbyll?thus are most ?m?kable and num?ous, existing on all ?e int?tropieM sho?s of Te?a Aus?lis, but by no means llmi?d to them, ?th geneu, toge?er with Euphorbia and 5atmph? being found in the parallel of Port Jackson; and Cro?n exls?s likewise at ?e sou?ern ex?eme of V? Diemen's Land,