Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/530

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]JOTANY.] NA'I?RA.[, H!STO'RY. ?0? drought be ?, (a ?ht, w? res?g ? ?is 'order? ? w?l ? c?in o?er ?o? tfi?s, apdaflag v? ira-. ?mn 0 tho? ?ons of ?e' westin shores r?nfiy indi? no one ch?ae?r that would ju? the sup?sifion of the ezh?nee of ?e Palram in fi?e cor?s?n&ng ?emes of the reactive p?ilels ?at pr?u? ?em on ?e or ?st Co?t. Ano?er remark relative w ?e ?on?y of ?is family is, ?at in New Holland it se?s co?n? w the eo?, Co?pha aus?lis, so fr?uent in parficul? shaded situations in the ne?hbourho? of Port J?kson, havi? never been detected in the vicinity of, or upon ?ns, much 18ss in ?e dis?nt coun? to ?t e?e?ve bo?d?. As?uoDzLaa.--Among the severM descried pl? ?e Her?i?, refe? to this family, that were collec?d u?n ?e ?t and Sou?-west ?oasts, are s?cimens complete kuctificafion of a remarkable plant of arbors- cent ?o?h, hadrig a ?ud? twenty feet ?gh, ?d all the h?i? of D?c?na. It probably co?tu?s a new ?nus disfiner from Co?yl?e of Commerson, to which, however, it appears closely ?lied; ?d h? sive r?ge on the East Co?t, where, al?ou? it has. for the most part been observed wi?in the ?opic, it extends neve?heless ? far u la?tude 31 only p?U of Asph?el? rem?k? on the no?-westem shores, were ? im?ect Trico?ne, probably Tenella of Mr. Brown, digovered by that gentlerenu during the In- v?figa?r's voyage on the South. Co?t; ?d ?e intm- uopi? As?aos, wh?h is fr?uent in latitude fift?a d?s South. Co?i?a?.--To ?e general ob?rv?o? a?ad? made.