Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/528

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BOTs. NT.] NATURAl. H!?TORY. thz existeace ? airart ?e whole ?f ?ese ?i?s): ?d the ?uent ?ene?! ex?s?e to the s? of?o? ?mlted in numar ? the new s?cies ?ly are, they ?!! ?tkeless ?estitute, when ?ded W the dis?veries e?dy made, through the medium of e?diti? to ?e ?r?r, ?m the corny ? P? Jackal, ve? im?t ms. isis W ca? on ?at Flora o? Aus?liR, so ve? ably ?e? by Mr. Bro?. Since ?at e?nt has ?y advan? much im?nt mater ie ?e valuable essay, published at t? e!? er the a?um de?' royal, ?s? the rela?ve pro?r?s of the ?ree ?d ?visi?s of p!an? in Aus?lia, u f? as ?en discovered at ? ?od, ?d h?, ?m ve? ex?sive ?s, ?ven us a ?m?ive view of ?at ?on of ?o? ?d ?e vege?fion of o?er eoun?i?; I shall now ?!y submit a few gener? rem?ks in this ?ce, ? ce? ?n pl? of established natu? f?ili?, ?at have &?overed in ? pro?s of ?se roy.s; cios?g this ? wi? some obse?a?ons, ekefly illustm?ve of ?aphi?l &?usion of so?! Ams? p!? kno? a?s, w? ?aHfies have h?e? b? ?ee?in?y 1?. PA?M?.?n consldedng the.?st expa?e of ? of Te?a Austr?is, and that ?e? ex?nt of ?t wh?h p? ?r?gh clima? fmvou?ie for ? pr?u '. ? c?n ?ne? of this mm?k? n? family, ?la? ?at so ?w of .?e order should have ?n didovernal: a f?t in the ?ory of the Austrian ve?on, which (u? ?templafin? the na?r? ?on?y of m?y o?er g? of pl?8) can only be consider? as ?c?n? for, ? the ?eat te?en? w drought of at least ?re?Rf?s i? sh?es.