Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/480

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c?stf? p?us sl?-?ne?fs coxis sn?cls ?n? sn?do in- n?. ? ? bt ?e des?, ?ufh, Meres to b not ?mon ?n ?ew Sou? ?o. ?h m?h ?, it cm vety near ? the P. ? ? Linnm? and S?. and l?e i? belon? ? Jn u?ue ?J& PHAgMA ?ARATUM, (0. S.) P. co? ? ?in?e unei- a?m 1on? euneiFormi ?dJ, capire ti? ?inatt ?nul?& cornnifo. ?or? anfi? an?s M su?e?sso s?nul? ? tiee dih? eonvexiori mar?nlbus la?iibus dent?ula?, ?to et h p?mum n?en?m ? Hnea? ?sinente serentis sup? binIs lam?s ?ntatls in m?o ?ls, ely. ?s v?bus su?vads mlnutls ?um ?tmentb ?o?bus; den? su?ofi &n?uh? p?su ? t?m ?h?, ? fefi? dH?to ?t? qa?r ?o ? ovatin dafis spicera venus su?mar?nafi? qustu? postici? ?et? ?g?is ?ntatis ext?ofi v? dHa?. Tab. B. ?. 8 et � nturaHs?' who ma? ? inclined ? iu? b ? ? merit oF ?e 11t LOCUSTA 8ALICIPOLIA, (n, 8,) L. ?s a?e lup? ?o