Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/476

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M&NDIBULAT&.] NATURAL HI?'rORY. 4?'. mmbrauaceb, palpis securiformibus, thornee obuuro utriuque? unispino?o marsine tmtioo .tobereulimiue dornllbu utrinque duobus pestieoque semieirmbti rubris, acreclio mbro S elgtris rubris gaselis tribus nigris undatis, ad basits later llmu?ele- yates subcrenatis spicetoque venus puuctatis spice bidouts- sis ? coyp?re subt? niL, r?nittdo ton?entoso IMtibM ?ubrb. � 8?. STRNOOHO?,US DOIMALIS, (u. S,) S. fulvo-piceus capita gnsto, labro palplaque tasteeels, vertiee eanallenlatb, thorace: insequ. aliter rufeeo emin. entiA mediS.ovali glabrt?. tribusque, utrinque mconspzcms, elyMs blde?tatis llnels subeleratis' intentitiisqus puuctatia maculS roealii sutorali testaceS an. '.t?. subemsrgina? a6tennis subMs viiloeb artioatis spice hud spinoais, eerpere pedibusquo piceis femoribns inermatis. M, ,S?BHOOHORU8 TUHI0&TUS, (St, S,) S, flayus antennarum articulis duobus primis niltit quinto spice lepthno uonoquc nigris, thorace subcylindrico utrinque uuldeutato supra qua- dritulm?ulato t?l?r?ulb anticis m?joribus, ,lytris spic6 hvis; uuidentatis, parse buell ultra medium subvi?e?o-hy?t !ine? obliqutt terminate, corpore pedibu?luc fiavo-tastaceis. 8?' S?taNODBRUS ABB!gUVIATtyS, Dej, (?uf. 11f,. -. ', �eptura eerbrnAold?s. Kirby,' in Lin. 7',?nt; vol. all p. O&f. ?his is certainly Mr. Kirby's l?eptura eramb�s, and petitely agnes with the IPab14elan d#efiptim of flu ab&?iafut, exc. e!? ?ha? no mention is there made of its nKmh being 7ellow. Mr. Kirby says of this inM?, "a/ta/?t# Lf]?ft?f aan/?o ?e?dit (?e?'amb?/ei&ut p?opior," and certainly were it allowahk to, judge entirely from habik ig would seem ?o conucc? those American AspenS2 of Pt?brielns and Oiivlm* ?hiob lave' bemqbd antenna,-' . such a8 ($. ?lum/ge?.a, Oliv., Aar&ioo?nls, Fab.) with teme other family, perbalm the (gdauwidtt. But, however this m?y b? ?. genus $tenoderus digerr from the Ceram?l/dd?, and agrees w?t!? ' the �eptu?da, immuoh u ? hal the: antenna inserted betlyeen the eyes,