Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/464

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M[AWl)tnUr-A?A.] NATUR&L I-?ORY. a?s ?$ at?eis tibiis ? apic? ?r?isque at?pi?is. 3, GYRINUS ROllPan, Fab,.?t, ?, v?y v?; but aq 8f?pAylinus ?tA?oepA?M. ?b. ?yst. ?u?. H. ?. 19. ?n?nis ?x-l?eHat? vert? tub?cu?a t?b?. in?r?io mjo? compresso Hnea?m supe?orem du?um ele? ?o?m s?h h?s punctafis. O. PASSAL?n BDSNTULUS, (n. s.) P. a2r conYe?unc?us an?n- apice em?at 9, t?tdo u?inque ?u?, el?oru? stroh ' subpunc?fis. m?bulh conca?s ext6s dentaris. ? conv? eleva? m?giuto, .thor?e ?is qua?or m? e]ev?tis, ex- . . ?o?b?. , Di?ilizecl I?/G oo,le ?11