Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/415

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A. on the eat end, appeared to have some vewet?ti0u: the r?,lm ile?�1I. in wenoral were six or eight feet above the water, 8mi tim be?. su? broke violently' on the N.E. and S.E. point? in view. ?,Oed The shoal trends in a W.b.N. direction for si? .or urea miles." It is distinguished on the chart by the name o? ASHMORE'S SHOAL. SCOTT'S REEF (see Hotsburgh, vol. i. p. 102) was dis- covered by Captain Heywood, P? N., in 1811: the north- west end is in latitude 13 �J?', and longitude 121 � thence it extends S. 16 � for eighteen or nineteen miles to the north-east point, in latitude 14 � and longitude ]?22 �; the sonth e?tent was not ascertained. It is ninety-seven miles due East from the situation assi?ued to Dqmpier'.s Rocks. The Cartier also struck upon a hereabouts, and Oaptaiu Horsburgh seems to th?nk that ther? is little doubt of Soott's Reef boil)$ the same that Dami?er t?w, as well as thstt on which the (?artier struck. ROWLEY'S SHOALS consist of three separate reefs, tho wasternmnst is the lmperieuso, the middle Clerko's, and dm northeasternmost the Mermaid*s. The lmperiense is ten miles in length from Booth to south, and its greatest hroadth five uMles: it is surrounded by ver? deep water, and near the eastern eds?, in latitude 17 �, and 1on?, tudq !!8 �, ave some dry rocks. (?lerke*s Shoal (sonth end in latitude 17 �, longitude 119 � extemds to dm .north-war, and probably joins tim Minstrel's Shoal which is described below, and, if this is the case, trends N.N.W.?JW. for seventeen m?s. The south end ? Mer- maid*s Shoal is in 17 �' S., and 119 � E., and extends to the northward for seven miles; but its termination in tJmt dimcttm? was not Men, Tim edsM ot' ?11 these me?s