Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/406

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?nc?, t?at is, ?tw? ?e b?e? o? ?e ?nt ? ?e A. ?.?. ?, in ? fa?oms sand, b?n?ng ?e summit of O?n ? ? ls!n? in ?e h?ur. on wi? ?e e?mi? of the b?hes ? 8. ?. �e w?t ?int of en?, nd &e h?est ? of B?s?. Island h a line w?h ?e ou? ?ht of ?e ?y: a ?t shoed ?en ? sent to sound ?e b?. ?e m?k for ?e d?t ? is when ?e wesM? summit of ?me ?= mp?d !nd, at ?e ? of ?r H?ur, is a li?e o? of ?e r?s off the ?t aide of ?e en?n?. A?r ?e ? is ?ss?, ?e ehnnel is d?t when ?e ?e of ?e fl? lud is kept midway ?n t? ?h? ? en?, avoiding a s?t of ?ks ?at p? ? ?e ?ky ?int at ?e w?t end of ?e wa?ring ?eh..?e strong?t ?s ?e from ?e westwirl, nd ?e?o? ?wer anchors should ? pl? m the ?u?=west and no.-west: w? ?d the st? sable will ? subsist ? s?ure h? from eu?rly wi?s, u ? hills rise imm?ia?ly over ? �ve?l on ?at sho?. If ?e ?n of wa?r ou?de ?e ?r should faH, holes may ? dug atthe ed? of the ?, ?ut �? ?t d?p, wh?h ?11 yield a su?fient qunfi? in two or ? days for any vessel ?at e? p?s over it. ?e fl?-fide in ?e ent? ?ne?ily ? six. an hours, ud e?d eight hours. High wa? at full ?d ?ge ?k place at 1? 1? at night; but on the bar ? ? ?d f?l ? ve? i?e?lar, and a vessel ?ing in should ?y ?t ?fion M ?e dep?, if her d?ught is more ? ? f? for it somefim? ?s sudde?y two f?L The spring-fid? ?e p!?e about the ?ird or fou? day a?r new or full m?n. ?e va?ation he? is a?ut 7 �L ?e situation of Se? lsl?d, from Gap?n Flhden's ?ations, is in latitude 35 �?5", ?d longitude 117 � 7". A small isl?d w? ?d in ?e Sydney'G? M ha? ?n ? ? l?itude 36 �, and 1on?tude 1?7 �hst;