Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/342

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SAILING DI RECsI'IONS. 317 of a mile off. The anc. horage between the entrance and A. ?Mi?dle Head is in five and six fathoms mud, and in the Sect. IH. eeutre of the western basin the depth is five fathoms mud. N. Coast. The shores are higher than usual, and are varied by sandy beaches and cliffs, some of white and others of a red colour. The western side of the port was not visited, and our tracks and examiuations were made principally on the opposite aho?e. At the bottom of ? Knocker's Bay is a shoal mangrove opening, of no importance. See vol. i.p. 87. Poxs? SssxTn is in latitude 11 � 45", and longitude 132. � 30". V?stio?r H? has a considerable shoal projecting from it, and extending into the bay to the westward which was called T?t?-?,?no Bd.v. This bay has .an opening at the bottom, that appeared to be shoal. A small sandy island lies at the distance of a mile and three-quarters from the ahore; the' reef projects into the sea for nearly a mile far- ther, and apparently extends to the S.W. to the north head of Pol'xt?t?t B?t�, which has a small opening at the bottom, but of shoal approach; good anchorage may be had in Pop- ham Bay in five and Six fathoms, a little within the heads, and as they bear North and S.$.W., it is well sheltered in the easterly monsoon. Hence to G?,z Do?t is three milea and a half. The latter cape is in latitude 11 � 30", and longitude 131 � 30". VAN DIEMEWS GULF is seventy miles deep, and more than forty broad. It has two outlets to sea; the one to the notthward? DvNn,?s's ST?t?, is sixteen miles wide and very deep; the other, CX.A?t?-erCZ S?tAt% is seventeen miles wide, and communicates with the sea round the south sides of Melville and Bathurst Islands: it is probably not so safe