Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/295

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270 APPENDIX. A. although the sides of tho hills are wooded, yet it has 8 Sect. IL sombre and heavy appearance, and, at ]east, does not look East fertile. The cape, in latitude 20 �50", and longitude C,o?t. 148 � ]$'t is the extremity of the mountainous range that extends off Motrot Drysrider. The variation obsarv?l off the isl.and was 7 � E. EDOECUMBE BAY is a deep indentation of the land, the shores of which are very low: its extent was not ascer- tained, but, by the bearings of some land at the bottom, it is 'seventeen miles deep; and its greatest breadth, at the mouth, is about fourteen miles. It affords excellent shelter: and between Middle Island (a small rocky islet of' a mile and half in extent) an.d Gloucester Island there is good anchorage in seven fathoms muddy bottom, with protection from all winds. We did not examine the bay farther than passing round Middle Island iu six, seven, and eight fathoms, mud. The western side is formed by low islands, that ap- peared to be swampy, but our distance was too great to form the most distant opinion of them: if the main is not swampy, it must be a rich and interesting country. HOLBORNE ISLAND is a rocky, island, visible about seven or eight leagues, and has three small islets near it: it is in latitude 19 � �and longitude 14? � 30". CAPE UPSTART is the extremity of Mount Upstart, which is so higla as to be visible for more than t?eaty leagues in clear weather: it rises abruptly from a low pro- jecti,on, and forms a long ridge of mountainous land; the north-east end of the summit is in latitude 19 � 50 ?, anal longitude 147 � 30'. This point separates two deep bays, both of which were of very inviting appearance, oa account of the high and broken character of the gullies on