Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/24

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cosrrs O? ?u?ras?ts. 7 woody isle. that was seen'by C?pta? 1?inders, and fiuther on we discovered two other istes ? to the north-east; and a fourth was soen by the Di?k. Afar this we had a few days of fine weather, which, as dysentery had already made its appearance amongst us, was most welcome, ?o alarming a complaint.. On the 8th we entered among the Northumberland Islands; but, from light northerly winds, did not reach an chorage under Percy la_!?nti; 1?o. ?, until the morning of the 10th. Our situatkm was between the Pine Islets and the basin, in ten fathoms, near a run of water, which fell from the into tlm sea at about at quarter of a mile to the northward of the sandy beach: from this atre?m? we Riled our casks. Water was also found in m?ny other parts, but all the runs appeared to This island, like No. 1, which we visited in 1819, appeam to be principally of quartzose formatio? The soil is sandy, and 'affords but litde nourishment to the stunted trees with which it is furnished. In the more barren and rocky parts the pine was abundant, but not growing:to any great size: the Dick's people cut down and embarked. several logs; on examination they