Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/198

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miles to the Red Point of Vlaming;'bchind which is a bight, called by the French Gan- theaUrae Bay; in the south part of which there appeared .a small opening... This bay did not seem to be so well calculated for taldng shelter in from southerly gales, as .Van Keu- len's chart indicates; since it is exposed to winds' from S.W.b.S., from which' quarter it musf.frequ?ntly blow. The country appeared very rocky; :the slight- vegetation covering its surface gave it .a greenish. hue, but no trees wdre seen near the shore, which is fronted by a sandy beach; the depth of the bight is probably five or six miles. The chris of Red Point par- take of a reddish tinge, and appear to 'be dis- posed nearly in horizontal strata. In the centre, and about half way between the base and sum- mir ofthecliris, is a remarkable block of stone, of very white colour, that at a distance appeared to be either a fort or house: some black marks on 'its face took our attention, and resembled characters of a very large size, as if they had been painted for the purpose of attracting the attention of ves- sels passing by; but a closer ekamination with the telescope proved 'them to be only the sha- dows of the project Jug parts of the surface. At half past seven .o'clock we l?auled off' for the night, and, standing oriaud on, s?unded in