Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/961

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the onions to stand side by side, put in the stock, cover closely, and simmer gently from 1 to 1½ hours. Serve in a hot vegetable dish with the gravy poured round.

Time.—From 1½ to 2 hours. Average Cost, 2d. to 3d. per lb. Seasonable from October to April.

1550.—ONIONS, SPANISH, STEWED. (Fr.Oignons au Jus.) (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—4 or 5 medium-sized Spanish onions, 3 ozs. of butter.

Method.—Blanch the onions as in the preceding recipe. Heat the butter in a stewpan, stand the onions side by side, cover closely, and cook very gently at the side of the stove for about 2 hours, basting frequently. Serve with the butter poured over.

Time.—From 2 to 2¼ hours. Average Cost, from 2d. to 3d. per lb. Seasonable from October to April.

1551.—ONIONS, SPANISH, STUFFED. (Fr.Oignons Farcis.)

Ingredients.—6 or 8 rather small Spanish onions, 4 tablespoonfuls of finely-chopped liver or raw meat (cooked meat of any kind may be used instead), 1 tablespoonful of parboiled finely-chopped onion, 1 tablespoonful of breadcrumbs, ½ a teaspoonful of powdered sage or mixed herbs, 1 egg, salt and pepper, ¾ of a pint of brown sauce (see Sauces, No. 233.)

Method.—Skin and parboil the onions, then with a round cutter or small knife remove the centre part. Mix all the ingredients, except the brown sauce, together, fill the onions with the preparation, baste them well with hot butter or dripping, and bake in a moderate oven from 30 to 40 minutes, basting frequently. Serve with the sauce poured over.

Time.—From 1¼ to 1½ hours. Average Cost, 1s. to 1s. 2d. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable from October to April.

See also Chapter on American Cookery.

1552.—PARSNIPS, BOILED. (Fr.Panais au Naturel.)

Ingredients.—Parsnips; to each ½ gallon of water allow 1 heaped tablespoonful of salt.

Method.—Wash the parsnips, scrape them thoroughly, and with the point of the knife remove any black specks about them, and should they be very large, cut the thick part into quarters. Put them into a saucepan of boiling water, salted in the above proportion, boil them rapidly until tender, which may be ascertained by piercing them with