Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/928

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poured over the broccoli. If left in the water after it is done, the broccoli will break, its colour will be spoiled, and its crispness lost. If boiled too fast they break.

Time.—Small broccoli, 10 to 15 minutes; large broccoli, 20 to 30 minutes. Average Cost, 2d. to 3d. each. Seasonable from October to March.

Note.—It is a good plan to place a small piece of toast or crust of bread in the saucepan in which any vegetable of the cabbage tribe is boiled, as this absorbs the unpleasant odour generated during the cooking.

The Kohl-Rabi, or Turnip Cabbage.—This variety presents a singular development. The stem swells out like a large turnip on the surface of the ground, the leaves shoot from it all round, and the top is surmounted by a cluster of leaves. If used when young and tender, the Kohl-rabi is a wholesome and palatable vegetable.

1461.—BRUSSELS SPROUTS, BOILED. (Fr.Choux de Bruxelles à la Sauce Blanche au Beurre, or, Maître d'Hôtel.)

Ingredients.—Brussels sprouts. To each ½ gallon of water allow 1 heaped tablespoonful of salt, a very small piece of soda, white sauce No. 222 or parsley butter.

Method.—Clean the sprouts from insects, wash them, and pick any dead or discoloured leaves from the outsides; put them into a saucepan of boiling water, with salt and soda in the above proportion; keep the pan uncovered, and let them boil quickly until tender; drain, dish, and serve with a tureen of melted butter: maître d'hôtel sauce is sometimes poured over them. Another method of serving is to toss the sprouts in about 1 oz. of butter and a seasoning of pepper and salt. They must, however, be sent to table very quickly, for on account of the smallness of the sprouts this vegetable soon cools.

Time.—From 10 to 15 minutes, after the water boils. Average Cost, 2d. to 3d. per lb. Seasonable from September to March.

Savoys and Brussels Sprouts (Fr. chou de savoie).—When green kale, or borecole, has been further improved by cultivation, it develops the headed or hearted type, with blistered leaves; it is then known by the name of savoy, and brussels sprouts. Another of its headed forms, but with smooth, glaucous leaves, is the cultivated garden cabbage (Borecole oleracea capitula), with all its varieties of green, red, dwarf, tall, early, late, round, conical, flat, and other varieties.

1462.—CABBAGE, BOILED. (Fr.Choux au Naturel.)

Ingredients.—Cabbages. To each ½ gallon of water allow 1 heaped tablespoonful of salt, a very small piece of soda.

Method.—Pick off all the dead outside leaves, cut off as much of the stalk as possible, and cut the cabbages across twice at the stalk end; if very large, quarter them. Wash them well in cold water, place them in a colander, and drain; then put them into plenty of fast-boiling water, to which have been added salt and soda in the above proportions. Stir the cabbages once or twice in the water, keep the pan uncovered, and let them boil quickly until tender. The instant they are done