Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/815

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let them become thoroughly hot, then drain and use. Shape the remainder of the sausage meat into small balls, and fry them in hot butter or fat until brown. Remove the trussing strings, place the turkey on a hot dish, arrange the mushrooms, carrots, turnips and sausage meat balls in groups, and serve the Espagnole sauce in a sauceboat.

Time.—From 1¾ to 2¼ hours. Average Cost, 10s. to 16s. Sufficient for 12 or more persons, according to size of the turkey. Seasonable from September to March; in best condition in December and January.

1276.—TURKEY, WITH MUSTARD SAUCE. (Fr.Dinde, Sauce Moutarde.)

Ingredients.—2 turkey legs, ½ a pint of brown sauce (see Sauces, No. 233) 1 tablespoonful of made mustard, 1 tablespoonful of piquante sauce (see Sauces, No. 265).

Method.—Score the legs deeply, pour over them the mustard and piquante sauce. Let them soak for ½ an hour, or longer if preferred highly seasoned. Make the brown sauce as directed, add to it the legs and the marinade, simmer gently for 20 minutes, then serve on a hot dish with the sauce strained over.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 9d., exclusive of the turkey. Sufficient for 3 or 4 persons.


Ingredients.—Wheatears, fresh butter, watercress.

Method.—After the birds are picked, drawn and cleaned, truss them like larks, cook them in front of a quick fire, and baste them well with oiled butter. When done, which will be in about 20 minutes, dish them up, garnish the dish with watercress, and serve with fried breadcrumbs.

Time.—20 minutes. Average Cost, from 6d. each. Seasonable from July to October.

The Wheatear (Fr. vitrec).—This elegant little bird, some 6 inches in length, belongs to the family of the Sylviadae or Warblers and is a visitant of Britain during the summer, arriving from the middle or March to May and quitting our island in September. The male is light-grey, the wing-quills and coverts are black, the breast is brown with an orange tinge, and the under parts brown and white. The wheatear is esteemed as a table delicacy when the birds are well-nourished. Large quantities of the wheatear are captured by nets and snares made of horsehair. The wheatear builds its nest in the crannies of rocks and similar situations. Its eggs are of a pale blue tint. It is also known as the Fallow-chat.