Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/811

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1265.—TURKEY, CROQUETTES OF. (Fr.Croquettes de Dinde.)

See "Chicken, Croquettes of," No. 1157.

1266.—TURKEY, DEVILLED. (Fr.Dinde à la Diable.)

Ingredients.—Cold roast turkey. For the devilled butter: 1 oz. of butter, ½ a saltspoonful each of cayenne, black pepper, and curry-powder, a pinch of ground ginger, piquante sauce.

Method.—Mix the ingredients for the devilled butter together on a plate. Divide the turkey into pieces convenient for serving, remove all skin, score the flesh deeply, and spread lightly with the butter. Put aside, and let them remain for 1 hour, or longer when a highly-seasoned dish is desired, then grill over the fire, and serve with piquante or other suitable sauce.

Time.—To grill, about 8 minutes. Average Cost, 8d., exclusive of the turkey. Sufficient, one leg will serve 2 persons.

Hunting Turkeys.—A favourite diversion among the Indians of Canada was hunting turkeys. When the retreat of these birds was discovered, usually near to a field of nettles or grain a well-trained dog was sent among the flock. As soon as the turkeys perceived their enemy they ran away at the top of their speed, leaving the dog far behind, but still following in their wake. The turkeys fatigued by their efforts after a time sought shelter in the trees. Sitting there worn out by their exertions, the birds were easily secured by the hunters, who knocked them down one by one with long poles which they carried for that purpose.

1267.—TURKEY, DEVILLED. (Fr.Dinde à la Diable.) (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—2 turkey legs, made mustard, pepper and salt, cayenne.

Method.—Score the legs in deep ridges, in regular lines, both along and across; prepare and salt these, adding cayenne, when liked very hot. Cover with mixed mustard, pressing well into the openings, and let it remain until the next morning. Have a bright clear fire, and grill them until the outside is crisp and brown. Spread with small pieces of fresh butter, seasoned with cayenne, and serve quickly.

Time.—About 8 minutes, to grill. Average Cost, 4d., exclusive of the turkey. Sufficient for 3 or 4 persons.

1268.—TURKEY, FRICASSÉE OF. (Fr.Fricassée de Dinde.)

See "Chicken, Fricasséed," No. 1164.


See "Gelatine of Fowl," No. 1233, and use a boned turkey in place of chicken.