Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/764

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1167.—CHICKEN GUMBO. (See. American Cookery.)

1168.—CHICKEN ITALIAN. (Fr.Poulet a l'Italienne.)

See "Chicken with Italian Sauce," No. 1204.

1169.—CHICKEN JELLY. (Fr.Gelée de Volaille.)

Ingredients.—1 chicken or fowl, salt and pepper.

Method.—Cut the chicken into small pieces and put them into a stewing-jar with about 1 pint of water and a little salt and pepper, and cook it in a moderately cool oven for 2 hours. Cut the flesh off the breast, wings and legs in thin slices, replace the bones and trimmings in the stew-jar, and cook as rapidly as possible on the stove for ½ an hour. Meanwhile arrange the slices of chicken in a mould or piedish, leaving a space at the sides, and as much space as possible between the layers, to be afterwards filled with stock. When the stock is ready, strain it, season to taste, let it cool slightly, and pour it over the chicken. Turn out when cold, and serve as a breakfast or luncheon dish.

Time.—To cook, about 2½ hours. Average Cost, 2s. 6d. to 3s. 6d. Sufficient for 1 mould of medium size. Seasonable at any time.

The Poland.—This bird, a native of Holland, is a great favourite with fowl-keepers, from the great number of eggs which the birds of this variety produce, a circumstance which has caused Polands in many parts to be known as the "everlasting layers." From observation of the number of eggs produced by this prolific fowl, it was found that in one year five hens laid no less than 503 eggs, the average weight of each egg was 1 oz. and 5 drachms, the total weight of the whole, exclusive of the shells, amounting to 50¼ lb. The common black breed is plain in appearance, and has a bushy crown of white feathers; other varieties, as the "silver-spangled" and the "gold-spangled," are handsome birds. The Poland is easily fattened, and its flesh is considered to be more juicy and of a richer flavour than many other fowls.


See "Indian Cookery."

1171.—CHICKEN LEGS AS CUTLETS. (Fr.Cuisses de Volaille en Côtelettes.)

Ingredients.—Chickens' legs, slices of bacon, stock, Espagnole sauce (see "Sauces," No. 244), 2 onions sliced, 2 carrots sliced, 1 small turnip sliced, 8 peppercorns, a bouquet-garni (parsley, thyme, bay-leaf), salt and pepper.

Method.—Remove the thigh bones, but leave the drumstick, season the legs with salt and pepper, and fold the skin under. Shape as much like a cutlet as possible, enfold each leg in a piece of muslin, and fasten securely. Put the vegetables, bouquet-garni and peppercorns into a stewpan, nearly cover them with stock, and lay the legs on the top. Cover each one with a slice of bacon, place a greased paper over the whole, put on a close-fitting lid, and cook gently for about 1 hour. Remove the muslin and serve with the sauce poured over, or they may be glazed and have the sauce poured round. If preferred,